Gert G. Wagner
Gert G. Wagner
MPIB, Federal Institute for Population Research, Harding Center and SOEP
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Individual Risk Attitudes: Measurement, Determinants, and Behavioral Consequences
T Dohmen, A Falk, D Huffman, U Sunde, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Journal of the European Economic Association 9 (3), 522-550, 2011
The German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP)–Evolution, Scope and Enhancements
GG Wagner, JR Frick, J Schupp
Schmollers Jahrbuch 127 (1), 139-169, 2007
Genetic variants associated with subjective well-being, depressive symptoms, and neuroticism identified through genome-wide analyses
A Okbay, BML Baselmans, JE De Neve, P Turley, MG Nivard, MA Fontana, ...
Nature Genetics 48 (6), 624-633, 2016
A nationwide laboratory examining trust and trustworthiness by integrating behavioural experiments into representative surveys
E Fehr, U Fischbacher, B Von Rosenbladt, J Schupp, G Wagner
Schmollers Jahrbuch 122, 2002
Genome-wide association analyses of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over 1 million individuals identify hundreds of loci and shared genetic influences
RK Linnér, P Biroli, E Kong, SFW Meddens, R Wedow, MA Fontana, ...
Nature Genetics 51 (2), 245-257, 2019
Short assessment of the Big Five: Robust across survey methods except telephone interviewing
FR Lang, D John, O Lüdtke, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Behavior Research Methods 43 (2), 548-567, 2011
The English language public use file of the German Socio-Economic Panel
RV Burkhauser, GG Wagner
Journal of Human Resources 28 (2), 429-433, 1993
Seeking pleasure and seeking pain: Differences in prohedonic and contra-hedonic motivation from adolescence to old age
M Riediger, F Schmiedek, GG Wagner, U Lindenberger
Psychological Science 20 (12), 1529-1535, 2009
The influence of environment and personality on the affective and cognitive component of subjective well-being
U Schimmack, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Social Indicators Research 89 (1), 41-60, 2008
Das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP): Multidisziplinäres Haushaltspanel und Kohortenstudie für Deutschland–Eine Einführung (für neue Datennutzer) mit einem Ausblick (für …
GG Wagner, J Göbel, P Krause, R Pischner, I Sieber
AStA Wirtschafts-und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 2, 301-328, 2008
Computation of standard values for physical and mental health scale scores using the SOEP version of SF-12v2
HH Andersen, A Mühlbacher, M Nübling, J Schupp, GG Wagner
Journal of Contextual Economics–Schmollers Jahrbuch, 171-182, 2007
Late-life decline in well-being across adulthood in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States: Something is seriously wrong at the end of life.
D Gerstorf, N Ram, G Mayraz, M Hidajat, U Lindenberger, GG Wagner, ...
Psychology and Aging 25 (2), 477, 2010
Stability and change in risk-taking propensity across the adult life span.
AK Josef, D Richter, GR Samanez-Larkin, GG Wagner, R Hertwig, R Mata
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111 (3), 430, 2016
Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive behavior
N Barban, R Jansen, R De Vlaming, A Vaez, JJ Mandemakers, FC Tropf, ...
Nature Genetics 48 (12), 1462-1472, 2016
Parental well-being in times of Covid-19 in Germany
M Huebener S Waights CK Spiess NA Siegel GG Wagner
Review of Economics of the Household,, 2021
Long-running German panel survey shows that personal and economic choices, not just genes, matter for happiness
B Headey, R Muffels, GG Wagner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (42), 17922-17926, 2010
To what extent do fiscal regimes equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens?
JE Roemer, R Aaberge, U Colombino, J Fritzell, SP Jenkins, A Lefranc, ...
Journal of Public Economics 87 (3-4), 539-565, 2003
Long working hours and alcohol use: systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies and unpublished individual participant data
M Virtanen, M Jokela, ST Nyberg, IEH Madsen, T Lallukka, K Ahola, ...
BMJ 350, 2015
Cohort profile: The Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II)
L Bertram, A Böckenhoff, I Demuth, S Düzel, R Eckardt, SC Li, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology 43 (3), 703-712, 2014
Life satisfaction shows terminal decline in old age: longitudinal evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP).
D Gerstorf, N Ram, R Estabrook, J Schupp, GG Wagner, U Lindenberger
Developmental Psychology 44 (4), 1148, 2008
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