Dr.-Ing. Hamidreza Farivar
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Microstructural adjustment of carburized steel components towards reducing the quenching-induced distortion
H Farivar, U Prahl, M Hans, W Bleck
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 264, 313-327, 2019
Experimental quantification of carbon gradients in martensite and its multi-scale effects in a DP steel
H Farivar, S Richter, M Hans, A Schwedt, U Prahl, W Bleck
Materials Science and Engineering: A 718, 250-259, 2018
Influence of post-carburizing heat treatment on the core microstructural evolution and the resulting mechanical properties in case-hardened steel components
H Farivar, MJ Deepu, M Hans, G Phanikumar, W Bleck, U Prahl
Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 778-789, 2019
Core microstructure-dependent bending fatigue behavior and crack growth of a case-hardened steel
H Farivar, D Novokshanov, S Richter, D Lenz, W Bleck, U Prahl
Materials Science and Engineering: A 762, 138040, 2019
Optimal parameter’s design in tuned liquid column damper
A Farshidianfar, P Oliazadeh, HR Farivar
17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering–ISME2009, 2009
Industrial needs for ICME
AWA Konter, H Farivar, J Post, U Prahl
Jom 68, 59-69, 2016
Microstructure based simulations for prediction of flow curves and selection of process parameters for inter-critical annealing in DP steel
MJ Deepu, H Farivar, U Prahl, G Phanikumar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 192 (1), 012010, 2017
An attempt to integrate software tools at microscale and above towards an ICME approach for heat treatment of a DP steel gear with reduced distortion
DM John, H Farivar, G Rothenbucher, R Kumar, P Zagade, D Khan, ...
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials …, 2017
ICME-based process and alloy design for vacuum carburized steel components with high potential of reduced distortion
H Farivar, G Rothenbucher, U Prahl, R Bernhardt
Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials …, 2017
Simulation of fixture hardening for tool and process design optimization
M Vidoni, S Sarkar, H Farivar, J Sims, M Jordan, D Münter
HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 76 (5), 356-369, 2021
Scenario for data exchange at the microstructure scale
GJ Schmitz, H Farivar, U Prahl
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 6, 127-133, 2017
Carbon Analysis in Steels by FE-EPMA: A Challenge or Contradiction?
S Richter, P Pinard, H Farivar, GAK Achuda
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (S2), 1764-1765, 2019
Integrated computational materials and production engineering (ICMPE)
W Bleck, C Brecher, M Herty, G Hirt, C Hopmann, F Klocke, N Borchmann, ...
Integrative Production Technology: Theory and Applications, 253-364, 2017
On the effects of core microstructure on distortion behavior and mechanical properties of case-carburized steel parts
H Farivar, W Bleck, U Prahl, C Broeckmann
Lehrstuhl für Werkstofftechnik der Metalle und Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde, 2020
Combined Process and Alloy Design of a Micro-alloyed DP Forging Steel Based on Integrative Computational Materials Engineering, Acronym: DP-forge: Project Completion Report …
H Farivar, MJ Deepu, P Zagade, G Rothenbucher, BP Gautham, ...
RWTH Aachen University, IEHK, 2018
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