Sumit Bam Shrestha
Sumit Bam Shrestha
Intel Labs, USA
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Slayer: Spike layer error reassignment in time
SB Shrestha, G Orchard
Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018
Efficient neuromorphic signal processing with loihi 2
G Orchard, EP Frady, DBD Rubin, S Sanborn, SB Shrestha, FT Sommer, ...
2021 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 254-259, 2021
Hand-gesture recognition based on EMG and event-based camera sensor fusion: A benchmark in neuromorphic computing
E Ceolini, C Frenkel, SB Shrestha, G Taverni, L Khacef, M Payvand, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 14, 637, 2020
Event-based angular velocity regression with spiking networks
M Gehrig, SB Shrestha, D Mouritzen, D Scaramuzza
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4195-4202, 2020
Adaptive learning rate of SpikeProp based on weight convergence analysis
SB Shrestha, Q Song
Neural Networks 63, 185-198, 2015
Online few-shot gesture learning on a neuromorphic processor
K Stewart, G Orchard, SB Shrestha, E Neftci
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 10 (4 …, 2020
Kernel online learning with adaptive kernel width
H Fan, Q Song, SB Shrestha
Neurocomputing 175, 233-242, 2016
On-chip few-shot learning with surrogate gradient descent on a neuromorphic processor
K Stewart, G Orchard, SB Shrestha, E Neftci
2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits …, 2020
Tonic: event-based datasets and transformations
G Lenz, K Chaney, SB Shrestha, O Oubari, S Picaud, G Zarrella
Documentation available under https://tonic. readthedocs. io, 2021
The intel neuromorphic DNS challenge
J Timcheck, SB Shrestha, DBD Rubin, A Kupryjanow, G Orchard, L Pindor, ...
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 3 (3), 034005, 2023
Robustness to training disturbances in SpikeProp learning
SB Shrestha, Q Song
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (7), 3126-3139, 2017
Robust spike-train learning in spike-event based weight update
SB Shrestha, Q Song
Neural Networks 96, 33-46, 2017
Efficient video and audio processing with Loihi 2
SB Shrestha, J Timcheck, P Frady, L Campos-Macias, M Davies
ICASSP 2024-2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2024
Robust learning in SpikeProp
SB Shrestha, Q Song
Neural Networks 86, 54-68, 2017
Neurobench: Advancing neuromorphic computing through collaborative, fair and representative benchmarking
J Yik, SH Ahmed, Z Ahmed, B Anderson, AG Andreou, C Bartolozzi, ...
Jason Yik, Soikat Hasan Ahmed, Zergham Ahmed, Brian Anderson, Andreas G …, 2023
Online learning with kernel regularized least mean square algorithms
H Fan, Q Song, SB Shrestha
Knowledge-Based Systems 59, 21-32, 2014
Efficient Neuromorphic Signal Processing with Resonator Neurons
EP Frady, S Sanborn, SB Shrestha, DBD Rubin, G Orchard, FT Sommer, ...
Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2022
A 2.1 pJ/SOP 40nm SNN accelerator featuring on-chip transfer learning using Delta STDP
MM Wong, SB Shrestha, VP Nambiar, A Mani, YK Lee, EK Koh, W Jiang, ...
ESSDERC 2021-IEEE 51st European Solid-State Device Research Conference …, 2021
Adaptive delay learning in SpikeProp based on delay convergence analysis
SB Shrestha, Q Song
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 277-284, 2016
Spikemax: spike-based loss methods for classification
SB Shrestha, L Zhu, P Sun
2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2022
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