André Ferreira
André Ferreira
Professor de Engenharia Elétrica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
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Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems
A Ferreira, WC Celeste, FA Cheein, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 5, 1-15, 2008
Evaluation of feature extraction techniques in emotional state recognition
TF Bastos-Filho, A Ferreira, AC Atencio, S Arjunan, D Kumar
2012 4th International conference on intelligent human computer interaction …, 2012
Human–machine interface based on muscular and brain signals applied to a robotic wheelchair
A Ferreira, RL Silva, WC Celeste, TF Bastos Filho, M Sarcinelli Filho
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 90 (1), 012094, 2007
An approach to avoid obstacles in mobile robot navigation: the tangential escape
A Ferreira, FG Pereira, RF Vassallo, TF Bastos Filho, M Sarcinelli Filho
Sba: Controle & Automação Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 19, 395-405, 2008
Teleoperation of an industrial manipulator through a TCP/IP channel using EEG signals
A Ferreira, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, FA Cheein, JF Postigo, ...
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 4, 3066-3071, 2006
Improvements of a brain-computer interface applied to a robotic wheelchair
A Ferreira, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, JLM Sánchez, JCG García, ...
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: International Joint …, 2010
Desvio tangencial de obstáculos para um robô móvel navegando em ambientes semi-estruturados
A Ferreira
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2004
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