Tillmann Mühlpfordt
Tillmann Mühlpfordt
DB Systel
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Toward distributed OPF using ALADIN
A Engelmann, Y Jiang, T Mühlpfordt, B Houska, T Faulwasser
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (1), 584-594, 2018
Chance-constrained AC optimal power flow: A polynomial chaos approach
T Mühlpfordt, L Roald, V Hagenmeyer, T Faulwasser, S Misra
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 4806-4816, 2019
A generalized framework for chance-constrained optimal power flow
T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, V Hagenmeyer
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 16, 231-242, 2018
Distributed AC optimal power flow using ALADIN
A Engelmann, T Mühlpfordt, Y Jiang, B Houska, T Faulwasser
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5536-5541, 2017
Comments on truncation errors for polynomial chaos expansions
T Mühlpfordt, R Findeisen, V Hagenmeyer, T Faulwasser
IEEE Control Systems Letters 2 (1), 169-174, 2017
Solving stochastic ac power flow via polynomial chaos expansion
T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, V Hagenmeyer
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 70-76, 2016
Distributed power flow and distributed optimization—formulation, solution, and open source implementation
T Mühlpfordt, X Dai, A Engelmann, V Hagenmeyer
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 26, 100471, 2021
Optimal power flow: an introduction to predictive, distributed and stochastic control challenges
T Faulwasser, A Engelmann, T Mühlpfordt, V Hagenmeyer
at-Automatisierungstechnik 66 (7), 573-589, 2018
Solving optimal power flow with non-Gaussian uncertainties via polynomial chaos expansion
T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, L Roald, V Hagenmeyer
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 4490-4496, 2017
Distributed stochastic AC optimal power flow based on polynomial chaos expansion
A Engelmann, T Mühlpfordt, Y Jiang, B Houska, T Faulwasser
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 6188-6193, 2018
PolyChaos. jl—A Julia package for polynomial chaos in systems and control
T Mühlpfordt, F Zahn, V Hagenmeyer, T Faulwasser
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 7210-7216, 2020
Nonlinear model predictive missile control with a stabilising terminal constraint
V Bachtiar, T Mühlpfordt, WH Moase, T Faulwasser, R Findeisen, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 457-462, 2014
Distributed control of charging for electric vehicle fleets under dynamic transformer ratings
M Botkin-Levy, A Engelmann, T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, ...
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (4), 1578-1594, 2021
Probabilistic forecasts of the distribution grid state using data-driven forecasts and probabilistic power flow
JÁ González-Ordiano, T Mühlpfordt, E Braun, J Liu, H Çakmak, ...
Applied energy 302, 117498, 2021
On solving probabilistic load flow for radial grids using polynomial chaos
RR Appino, T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, V Hagenmeyer
2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, 1-6, 2017
On polynomial real-time control policies in stochastic AC optimal power flow
T Mühlpfordt, T Faulwasser, V Hagenmeyer, L Roald, S Misra
Electric Power Systems Research 189, 106792, 2020
Analytical uncertainty propagation for multi-period stochastic optimal power flow
R Bauer, T Mühlpfordt, N Ludwig, V Hagenmeyer
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 33, 100969, 2023
Output feedback model predictive control with probabilistic uncertainties for linear systems
T Mühlpfordt, JA Paulson, RD Braatz, R Findeisen
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2035-2040, 2016
Optimal adaptive power flow linearizations: Expected error minimization using polynomial chaos expansion
T Mühlpfordt, V Hagenmeyer, DK Molzahn, S Misra
2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech, 1-6, 2019
The price of uncertainty: Chance-constrained OPF vs. in-hindsight OPF
T Mühlpfordt, V Hagenmeyer, T Faulwasser
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2018
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