Shyam  Sundar  Ghoshal
Shyam Sundar Ghoshal
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Centre For Applicable Mathematics
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Existence and nonexistence of TV bounds for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux
Adimurthi, SS Ghoshal, R Dutta, GD Veerappa Gowda
Communications on pure and applied mathematics 64 (1), 84-115, 2011
Exact controllability of scalar conservation laws with strict convex flux
SS Ghoshal, GDV Gowda
Mathematical Control & Related Fields 4 (4), 401, 2014
Dissipative boundary conditions for 2× 2 hyperbolic systems of conservation laws for entropy solutions in BV
JM Coron, S Ervedoza, SS Ghoshal, O Glass, V Perrollaz
Journal of Differential Equations 262 (1), 1-30, 2017
On uniqueness of dissipative solutions to the isentropic Euler system
E Feireisl, SS Ghoshal, A Jana
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 44 (12), 1285-1298, 2019
On the attainable set for a class of triangular systems of conservation laws
B Andreianov, C Donadello, SS Ghoshal, U Razafison
Journal of Evolution Equations 15, 503-532, 2015
Optimal results on TV bounds for scalar conservation laws with discontinuous flux
SS Ghoshal
Journal of Differential Equations 258 (3), 980-1014, 2015
Finer regularity of an entropy solution for 1-d scalar conservation laws with non uniform convex flux
S Sundar Ghoshal, GD Veerappa Gowda
Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Universita di Padova 132, 1-24, 2014
Structure of entropy solutions to scalar conservation laws with strictly convex flux
ADIMURTHI, SS Ghoshal, GD Veerappa Gowda
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 9 (04), 571-611, 2012
Convergence of a Godunov scheme to an Audusse–Perthame adapted entropy solution for conservation laws with BV spatial flux
SS Ghoshal, A Jana, JD Towers
Numerische Mathematik 146, 629-659, 2020
Optimal regularity for all time for entropy solutions of conservation laws in
SS Ghoshal, B Guelmame, A Jana, S Junca
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 27 (5), 46, 2020
BV regularity near the interface for nonuniform convex discontinuous flux
SS Ghoshal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.04614, 2015
Optimal controllability for scalar conservation laws with convex flux
Adimurthi, SS Ghoshal, GDV Gowda
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 11 (03), 477-491, 2014
Lp stability for entropy solutions of scalar conservation laws with strict convex flux
SS Ghoshal, GDV Gowda
Journal of Differential Equations 256 (10), 3395-3416, 2014
Well-posedness for conservation laws with spatial heterogeneities and a study of BV regularity
SS Ghoshal, JD Towers, G Vaidya
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.13695, 2020
Uniqueness of dissipative solutions to the complete Euler system
SS Ghoshal, A Jana
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 23, 1-25, 2021
A Godunov type scheme and error estimates for scalar conservation laws with Panov-type discontinuous flux
SS Ghoshal, JD Towers, G Vaidya
Numerische Mathematik 151 (3), 601-625, 2022
Convergence of a Godunov scheme for degenerate conservation laws with BV spatial flux and a study of Panov-type fluxes
SS Ghoshal, JD Towers, G Vaidya
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 19 (02), 365-390, 2022
On the uniqueness of solutions to hyperbolic systems of conservation laws
SS Ghoshal, A Jana, K Koumatos
Journal of Differential Equations 291, 110-153, 2021
Ghoshal, and GDV Gowda. Exact controllability of scalar conservation law with strict convex flux
SS Adimurthi
Fractional regularity for conservation laws with discontinuous flux
SS Ghoshal, S Junca, A Parmar
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 75, 103960, 2024
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