Lionel Lacombe
Lionel Lacombe
Postdoctoral Researcher in Physics, École Polytechnique
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Effect of many modes on self-polarization and photochemical suppression in cavities
NM Hoffmann, L Lacombe, A Rubio, NT Maitra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (10), 2020
Exact potential energy surface for molecules in cavities
L Lacombe, NM Hoffmann, NT Maitra
Physical review letters 123 (8), 083201, 2019
Exact time-dependent exchange-correlation potential in electron scattering processes
Y Suzuki, L Lacombe, K Watanabe, NT Maitra
Physical review letters 119 (26), 263401, 2017
On the numerical solution of the exact factorization equations
GH Gossel, L Lacombe, NT Maitra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (15), 2019
Exploring non-adiabatic approximations to the exchange–correlation functional of TDDFT
JI Fuks, L Lacombe, SEB Nielsen, NT Maitra
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (41), 26145-26160, 2018
Embedding via the exact factorization approach
L Lacombe, NT Maitra
Physical review letters 124 (20), 206401, 2020
Case studies of the time-dependent potential energy surface for dynamics in cavities
P Martinez, B Rosenzweig, NM Hoffmann, L Lacombe, NT Maitra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (1), 2021
Electron scattering in time-dependent density functional theory
L Lacombe, Y Suzuki, K Watanabe, NT Maitra
The European Physical Journal B 91, 1-9, 2018
Non-adiabatic approximations in time-dependent density functional theory: progress and prospects
L Lacombe, N Maitra
npj Computational Materials volume 9 (124), 2023
Analysis of the classical trajectory treatment of photon dynamics for polaritonic phenomena
B Rosenzweig, NM Hoffmann, L Lacombe, NT Maitra
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (5), 2022
On the inclusion of dissipation on top of mean-field approaches
PM Dinh, L Lacombe, PG Reinhard, É Suraud, M Vincendon
The European Physical Journal B 91, 1-23, 2018
Developing new and understanding old approximations in TDDFT
L Lacombe, NT Maitra
Faraday Discussions 224, 382-401, 2020
Stochastic TDHF in an exactly solvable model
L Lacombe, E Suraud, PG Reinhard, PM Dinh
Annals of Physics 373, 216-229, 2016
A collisional extension of time-dependent Hartree–Fock
L Lacombe, PG Reinhard, PM Dinh, E Suraud
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (24), 245101, 2016
Density-matrix coupled time-dependent exchange-correlation functional approximations
L Lacombe, NT Maitra
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 15 (3), 1672-1678, 2019
Rare reaction channels in real-time time-dependent density functional theory: the test case of electron attachment
L Lacombe, P Huong Mai Dinh, PG Reinhard, E Suraud, L Sanche
The European Physical Journal D 69, 1-8, 2015
Minimizing the time-dependent density functional error in ehrenfest dynamics
L Lacombe, NT Maitra
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (35), 8554-8559, 2021
The exact exchange–correlation potential in time-dependent density functional theory: Choreographing electrons with steps and peaks
D Dar, L Lacombe, NT Maitra
Chemical Physics Reviews 3 (3), 2022
Exact time-dependent density-functional theory for nonperturbative dynamics of the helium atom
D Dar, L Lacombe, J Feist, NT Maitra
Physical Review A 104 (3), 032821, 2021
Time dependent DFT in natural orbitals
M Vincendon, L Lacombe, PM Dinh, E Suraud, PG Reinhard
Computational Materials Science 138, 426-434, 2017
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