Fernando A. Auat Cheein
Fernando A. Auat Cheein
Associate Professor, National Robotarium, EPS, Heriot-Watt University
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Human–robot interaction in agriculture: A survey and current challenges
JP Vasconez, GA Kantor, FAA Cheein
Biosystems engineering 179, 35-48, 2019
Agricultural robotics: Unmanned robotic service units in agricultural tasks
FAA Cheein, R Carelli
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 7 (3), 48-58, 2013
Human-machine interfaces based on EMG and EEG applied to robotic systems
A Ferreira, WC Celeste, FA Cheein, TF Bastos-Filho, M Sarcinelli-Filho, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 5, 1-15, 2008
The role of 5G technologies: Challenges in smart cities and intelligent transportation systems
L Guevara, F Auat Cheein
Sustainability 12 (16), 6469, 2020
Optimized EIF-SLAM algorithm for precision agriculture mapping based on stems detection
FA Cheein, G Steiner, GP Paina, R Carelli
Computers and electronics in agriculture 78 (2), 195-207, 2011
A survey of ranging and imaging techniques for precision agriculture phenotyping
FY Narvaez, G Reina, M Torres-Torriti, G Kantor, FA Cheein
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (6), 2428-2439, 2017
Comparison of convolutional neural networks in fruit detection and counting: A comprehensive evaluation
JP Vasconez, J Delpiano, S Vougioukas, FA Cheein
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 173, 105348, 2020
Large-scale mapping in complex field scenarios using an autonomous car
F Mutz, LP Veronese, T Oliveira-Santos, E De Aguiar, FAA Cheein, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 46, 439-462, 2016
Fruit detection in an apple orchard using a mobile terrestrial laser scanner
J Gené-Mola, E Gregorio, J Guevara, F Auat, R Sanz-Cortiella, A Escolà, ...
Biosystems engineering 187, 171-184, 2019
A pattern recognition strategy for visual grape bunch detection in vineyards
R Pérez-Zavala, M Torres-Torriti, FA Cheein, G Troni
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 151, 136-149, 2018
Fruit detection, yield prediction and canopy geometric characterization using LiDAR with forced air flow
J Gené-Mola, E Gregorio, FA Cheein, J Guevara, J Llorens, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 168, 105121, 2020
Robotics in power systems: Enabling a more reliable and safe grid
O Menendez, FAA Cheein, M Perez, S Kouro
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 11 (2), 22-34, 2017
Advances in structured light sensors applications in precision agriculture and livestock farming
JR Rosell-Polo, FA Cheein, E Gregorio, D Andújar, L Puigdomènech, ...
Advances in agronomy 133, 71-112, 2015
Towards a new modality-independent interface for a robotic wheelchair
TF Bastos-Filho, FA Cheein, SMT Müller, WC Celeste, C De La Cruz, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22 (3 …, 2013
Trajectory tracking controller design for unmanned vehicles: A new methodology
FA Cheein, G Scaglia
Journal of Field Robotics 31 (6), 861-887, 2014
Computer-aided diagnosis of external and middle ear conditions: A machine learning approach
M Viscaino, JC Maass, PH Delano, M Torrente, C Stott, F Auat Cheein
Plos one 15 (3), e0229226, 2020
LiDAR and thermal images fusion for ground-based 3D characterisation of fruit trees
FJY Narváez, JS del Pedregal, PA Prieto, M Torres-Torriti, FAA Cheein
Biosystems Engineering 151, 479-494, 2016
Detection and characterization of cherries: A deep learning usability case study in Chile
JF Villacrés, F Auat Cheein
Agronomy 10 (6), 835, 2020
Visual-based positioning of aerial maintenance platforms on overhead transmission lines
O Menéndez, M Pérez, F Auat Cheein
Applied Sciences 9 (1), 165, 2019
Real-time approaches for characterization of fully and partially scanned canopies in groves
FAA Cheein, J Guivant, R Sanz, A Escolà, F Yandún, M Torres-Torriti, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 118, 361-371, 2015
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