Colby C. Swan
Colby C. Swan
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Iowa
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A Q4/Q4 continuum structural topology optimization implementation
SF Rahmatalla, CC Swan
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 27, 130-135, 2004
Limit state analysis of earthen slopes using dual continuum/FEM approaches
CC Swan, YK Seo
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1999
Voxel‐based meshing and unit‐cell analysis of textile composites
HJ Kim, CC Swan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 56 (7), 977-1006, 2003
Viscoelastic dissipation in compact bone: implications for stress-induced fluid flow in bone
E Garner, R Lakes, T Lee, C Swan, R Brand
J. Biomech. Eng. 122 (2), 166-172, 2000
Voigt–Reuss topology optimization for structures with linear elastic material behaviours
CC Swan, I Kosaka
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 40 (16), 3033-3057, 1997
Voigt–Reuss topology optimization for structures with nonlinear material behaviors
CC Swan, I Kosaka
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 40 (20), 3785-3814, 1997
Micromechanically based poroelastic modeling of fluid flow in Haversian bone
CC Swan, RS Lakes, RA Brand, KJ Stewart
J. Biomech. Eng. 125 (1), 25-37, 2003
Sparse monolithic compliant mechanisms using continuum structural topology optimization
S Rahmatalla, CC Swan
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 62 (12), 1579-1605, 2005
A symmetry reduction method for continuum structural topology optimization
I Kosaka, CC Swan
Computers & Structures 70 (1), 47-61, 1999
Continuum topology optimization for concept design of frame bracing systems
AR Mijar, CC Swan, JS Arora, I Kosaka
Journal of Structural Engineering 124 (5), 541-550, 1998
Mechanical behavior of human morselized cancellous bone in triaxial compression testing
MD Brodt, CC Swan, TD Brown
Journal of orthopaedic research 16 (1), 43-49, 1998
Modeling deformation-induced fluid flow in cortical bone’s canalicular–lacunar system
S Gururaja, HJ Kim, CC Swan, RA Brand, RS Lakes
Annals of biomedical engineering 33, 7-25, 2005
Techniques for stress-and strain-controlled homogenization of inelastic periodic composites
CC Swan
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 117 (3-4), 249-267, 1994
Topology design of material layout in structured composites of high stiffness and strength
CC Swan, JS Arora
Structural Optimization 13, 45-59, 1997
Dynamic motion planning of 3D human locomotion using gradient-based optimization
HJ Kim, Q Wang, S Rahmatalla, CC Swan, JS Arora, K Abdel-Malek, ...
Continuum topology optimization of buckling-sensitive structures
S Rahmatalla, CC Swan
AIAA journal 41 (6), 1180-1189, 2003
Topology and geometry optimization of trusses and frames
M Ohsaki, CC Swan
Recent advances in optimal structural design 46, 2002
Homogenization-based analysis and design of composites
CC Swan, I Kosaka
Computers & Structures 64 (1-4), 603-621, 1997
Form finding of sparse structures with continuum topology optimization
S Rahmatalla, CC Swan
Journal of Structural Engineering 129 (12), 1707-1716, 2003
A broadband viscoelastic spectroscopic study of bovine bone: implications for fluid flow
PM Buechner, RS Lakes, C Swan, RA Brand
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29, 719-728, 2001
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