Michael K. Lim
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Toward mass adoption of electric vehicles: impact of the range and resale anxieties
MK Lim, HY Mak, Y Rong
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17 (1), 101-119, 2015
A facility reliability problem: formulation, properties, and algorithm
MK Lim, MS Daskin, A Bassamboo, S Chopra
Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 57 (1), 58-70, 2010
The effects of ecolabels and environmental regulation on green product development
K Murali, MK Lim, NC Petruzzi
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21 (3), 519-535, 2019
Facility location decisions with random disruptions and imperfect estimation
MK Lim, A Bassamboo, S Chopra, MS Daskin
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (2), 239-249, 2013
The effect of forecasting and information sharing in SCM for multi-generation products
SY Sohn, MK Lim
European Journal of Operational Research 186 (1), 276-287, 2008
Agility and proximity considerations in supply chain design
MK Lim, HY Mak, ZJM Shen
Management Science 63 (4), 1026-1041, 2017
Promoting clean technology adoption: To subsidize products or service infrastructure?
G Ma, MK Lim, HY Mak, Z Wan
Service Science 11 (2), 75-95, 2019
Alternative fuel station location model with demand learning
SF Bhatti, MK Lim, HY Mak
Annals of Operations Research 230, 105-127, 2015
Municipal groundwater management: Optimal allocation and control of a renewable natural resource
K Murali, MK Lim, NC Petruzzi
Production and Operations Management 24 (9), 1453-1472, 2015
A continuum approximation approach to the dynamic facility location problem in a growing market
X Wang, MK Lim, Y Ouyang
Transportation Science 51 (1), 343-357, 2017
Hierarchical forecasting based on AR-GARCH model in a coherent structure
SY Sohn, MK Lim
European Journal of Operational Research 176 (2), 1033-1040, 2007
Food-Energy-Environment Trilemma: Policy Impacts on Farmland Use and Biofuel Industry Development
X Wang, MK Lim, Y Ouyang
Energy Economics 67, 35-48, 2017
Biofuel supply chain network design and operations
MK Lim, Y Ouyang
Environmentally responsible supply chains, 143-162, 2016
Money well spent? Operations, mainstreaming, and fairness of fair trade
MK Lim, HY Mak, SJ Park
Production and Operations Management 28 (12), 3023-3041, 2019
Why have voluntary time‐of‐use tariffs fallen short in the residential sector?
DG Choi, MK Lim, K Murali, VM Thomas
Production and Operations Management 29 (3), 617-642, 2020
Infrastructure deployment under uncertainties and competition: the biofuel industry case
X Wang, MK Lim, Y Ouyang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 78, 1-15, 2015
Facility location decisions in supply chain networks with random disruption and imperfect information
M Lim, MS Daskin, A Bassamboo, S Chopra
Naval Research Logistics 57 (1), 58-70, 2009
R&D outsourcing in an innovation-driven supply chain
KK Kim, MK Lim
Operations Research Letters 43 (1), 20-25, 2015
Production and operations management
HL Lee, H Zhang, LN Van Wassenhove, MMS Sodhi, CS Tang, ...
Production and Operations Management 5 (1), 25-41, 2019
Supply chain network design in the presence of disruption risks
MK Lim
Northwestern University, 2009
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