Brian L. Evans
Brian L. Evans
Engineering Foundation Professor, ECE, WNCG, University of Texas at Austin
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Adaptive resource allocation in multiuser OFDM systems with proportional rate constraints
Z Shen, JG Andrews, BL Evans
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 4 (6), 2726-2737, 2005
Image quality assessment based on a degradation model
N Damera-Venkata, TD Kite, WS Geisler, BL Evans, AC Bovik
IEEE transactions on image processing 9 (4), 636-650, 2000
Low complexity user selection algorithms for multiuser MIMO systems with block diagonalization
Z Shen, R Chen, JG Andrews, RW Heath, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (9), 3658-3663, 2006
Blind measurement of blocking artifacts in images
Z Wang, AC Bovik, BL Evan
Proceedings 2000 international conference on image processing (Cat. No …, 2000
Overview of the ptolemy project
EA Lee, II John
Electronics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of …, 1999
Perceptual image hashing via feature points: performance evaluation and tradeoffs
V Monga, BL Evans
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 15 (11), 3452-3465, 2006
A low complexity algorithm for proportional resource allocation in OFDMA systems
IC Wong, Z Shen, BL Evans, JG Andrews
IEEE Workshop onSignal Processing Systems, 2004. SIPS 2004., 1-6, 2004
Optimal power allocation in multiuser OFDM systems
Z Shen, JG Andrews, BL Evans
GLOBECOM'03. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
Filter design for signal processing using MATLAB and Mathematica
MD Lutovac, DV Tošić, BL Evans
Miroslav Lutovac, 2001
Equalization for discrete multitone transceivers to maximize bit rate
G Arslan, BL Evans, S Kiaei
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 49 (12), 3123-3135, 2002
Impulsive noise mitigation in powerline communications using sparse Bayesian learning
J Lin, M Nassar, BL Evans
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (7), 1172-1183, 2013
Deep reinforcement learning for 5G networks: Joint beamforming, power control, and interference coordination
FB Mismar, BL Evans, A Alkhateeb
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (3), 1581-1592, 2019
Local utility power line communications in the 3–500 kHz band: Channel impairments, noise, and standards
M Nassar, J Lin, Y Mortazavi, A Dabak, IH Kim, BL Evans
IEEE signal processing magazine 29 (5), 116-127, 2012
Sum capacity of multiuser MIMO broadcast channels with block diagonalization
Z Shen, R Chen, JG Andrews, RW Heath, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6 (6), 2040-2045, 2007
Optimal downlink OFDMA resource allocation with linear complexity to maximize ergodic rates
IC Wong, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7 (3), 962-971, 2008
Statistics of co-channel interference in a field of Poisson and Poisson-Poisson clustered interferers
K Gulati, BL Evans, JG Andrews, KR Tinsley
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (12), 6207-6222, 2010
GNSS signal authentication via power and distortion monitoring
KD Wesson, JN Gross, TE Humphreys, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 54 (2), 739-754, 2017
Optimal resource allocation in the OFDMA downlink with imperfect channel knowledge
IC Wong, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Communications 57 (1), 232-241, 2009
No-reference quality assessment of tone-mapped HDR pictures
D Kundu, D Ghadiyaram, AC Bovik, BL Evans
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 26 (6), 2957-2971, 2017
Trends in multicore DSP platforms
L Karam, I AlKamal, A Gatherer, GA Frantz, DV Anderson, BL Evans
IEEE signal processing magazine 26 (6), 38-49, 2009
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