Adrian Schneider
Adrian Schneider
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OMA 2011: orthology inference among 1000 complete genomes
AM Altenhoff, A Schneider, GH Gonnet, C Dessimoz
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_1), D289-D294, 2010
OMA Browser—exploring orthologous relations across 352 complete genomes
A Schneider, C Dessimoz, GH Gonnet
Bioinformatics 23 (16), 2180-2182, 2007
Estimates of positive Darwinian selection are inflated by errors in sequencing, annotation, and alignment
A Schneider, A Souvorov, N Sabath, G Landan, GH Gonnet, D Graur
Genome biology and evolution 1, 114-118, 2009
A method for inferring the rate of occurrence and fitness effects of advantageous mutations
A Schneider, B Charlesworth, A Eyre-Walker, PD Keightley
Genetics 189 (4), 1427-1437, 2011
Empirical codon substitution matrix
A Schneider, GM Cannarozzi, GH Gonnet
BMC bioinformatics 6 (1), 134, 2005
OMA, a comprehensive, automated project for the identification of orthologs from complete genome data: introduction and first achievements
C Dessimoz, G Cannarozzi, M Gil, D Margadant, A Roth, A Schneider, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3678, 61-72, 2005
A phylogenomic study of human, dog, and mouse
G Cannarozzi, A Schneider, G Gonnet
PLoS Computational Biology 3 (1), e2, 2007
Codon evolution: mechanisms and models
GM Cannarozzi, A Schneider
Recherche, 2012
A genomic approach to examine the complex evolution of laurasiatherian mammals
BM Hallström, A Schneider, S Zoller, A Janke
PLoS One 6 (12), e28199, 2011
Improving phylogenetic inference with a semiempirical amino acid substitution model
S Zoller, A Schneider
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (2), 469-479, 2012
Support patterns from different outgroups provide a strong phylogenetic signal
A Schneider, GM Cannarozzi
Molecular biology and evolution 26 (6), 1259-1272, 2009
Empirical analysis of the most relevant parameters of codon substitution models
S Zoller, A Schneider
Journal of molecular evolution 70 (6), 605-612, 2010
A new semiempirical codon substitution model based on principal component analysis of Mammalian sequences
S Zoller, A Schneider
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (1), 271–277, 2012
Shared protein complex subunits contribute to explaining disrupted co-occurrence
A Schneider, MF Seidl, B Snel
PLoS Comput Biol 9 (7), e1003124, 2013
A predicted functional gene network for the plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans as a framework for genomic biology
MF Seidl, A Schneider, F Govers, B Snel
BMC Genomics 14 (1), 483, 2013
SynPAM—A distance measure based on synonymous codon substitutions
A Schneider, G Gonnet, G Cannarozzi
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) 4 …, 2007
Fast estimation of the difference between two PAM/JTT evolutionary distances in triplets of homologous sequences
C Dessimoz, M Gil, A Schneider, G Gonnet
BMC bioinformatics 7 (1), 529, 2006
The Microbe browser for comparative genomics
A Gattiker, C Dessimoz, A Schneider, I Xenarios, M Pagni, J Rougemont
Nucleic acids research 37 (suppl 2), W296-W299, 2009
Synonymous Codon Substitution Matrices
A Schneider, G Gonnet, G Cannarozzi
Computational Science–ICCS 2006, 630-637, 2006
Probabilistic ancestral sequences based on the Markovian model of evolution: algorithms and applications
GM Cannarozzi, A Schneider, GH Gonnet
Ancestral sequence reconstruction, 58, 2007
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