Robert D Nowak
Robert D Nowak
Keith and Jane Morgan Nosbusch Professor in ECE, Grace Wahba Professor of Data Science
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Gradient projection for sparse reconstruction: Application to compressed sensing and other inverse problems
MAT Figueiredo, RD Nowak, SJ Wright
IEEE Journal of selected topics in signal processing 1 (4), 586-597, 2007
Wavelet-based statistical signal processing using hidden Markov models
MS Crouse, RD Nowak, RG Baraniuk
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 46 (4), 886-902, 1998
Sparse reconstruction by separable approximation
SJ Wright, RD Nowak, MAT Figueiredo
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 57 (7), 2479-2493, 2009
An EM algorithm for wavelet-based image restoration
MAT Figueiredo, RD Nowak
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12 (8), 906-916, 2003
Compressed channel sensing: A new approach to estimating sparse multipath channels
WU Bajwa, J Haupt, AM Sayeed, R Nowak
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 1058-1076, 2010
Distributed optimization in sensor networks
M Rabbat, R Nowak
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Information processing in …, 2004
Wavelet-based Rician noise removal for magnetic resonance imaging
RD Nowak
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8 (10), 1408-1419, 1999
Signal reconstruction from noisy random projections
J Haupt, R Nowak
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52 (9), 4036-4048, 2006
Compressed sensing for networked data
J Haupt, WU Bajwa, M Rabbat, R Nowak
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25 (2), 92-101, 2008
Internet tomography
A Coates, AO Hero III, R Nowak, B Yu
IEEE Signal processing magazine 19 (3), 47-65, 2002
Majorization–minimization algorithms for wavelet-based image restoration
MAT Figueiredo, JM Bioucas-Dias, RD Nowak
IEEE Transactions on Image processing 16 (12), 2980-2991, 2007
Network tomography: Recent developments
R Castro, M Coates, G Liang, R Nowak, B Yu
Toeplitz compressed sensing matrices with applications to sparse channel estimation
J Haupt, WU Bajwa, G Raz, R Nowak
IEEE transactions on information theory 56 (11), 5862-5875, 2010
Online identification and tracking of subspaces from highly incomplete information
L Balzano, R Nowak, B Recht
2010 48th Annual allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2010
lil’ucb: An optimal exploration algorithm for multi-armed bandits
K Jamieson, M Malloy, R Nowak, S Bubeck
Conference on Learning Theory, 423-439, 2014
Compressive wireless sensing
W Bajwa, J Haupt, A Sayeed, R Nowak
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Information processing in …, 2006
Quantized incremental algorithms for distributed optimization
MG Rabbat, RD Nowak
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23 (4), 798-808, 2005
Toeplitz-structured compressed sensing matrices
WU Bajwa, JD Haupt, GM Raz, SJ Wright, RD Nowak
2007 IEEE/SP 14th Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, 294-298, 2007
Computational segmentation of collagen fibers from second-harmonic generation images of breast cancer
JS Bredfeldt, Y Liu, CA Pehlke, MW Conklin, JM Szulczewski, DR Inman, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 19 (1), 016007-016007, 2014
Unlabeled data: Now it helps, now it doesn't
A Singh, R Nowak, J Zhu
Advances in neural information processing systems 21, 2008
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