Monika Lohani
Monika Lohani
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
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A review of psychophysiological measures to assess cognitive states in real-world driving
M Lohani, BR Payne, DL Strayer
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 57, 2019
Age differences in managing response to sadness elicitors using attentional deployment, positive reappraisal and suppression
M Lohani, DM Isaacowitz
Cognition & emotion 28 (4), 678-697, 2014
Emotional storytelling in the classroom: Individual versus group interaction between children and robots
I Leite, M McCoy, M Lohani, D Ullman, N Salomons, C Stokes, S Rivers, ...
Proceedings of the tenth annual ACM/IEEE international conference on human …, 2015
Deliberate real-time mood regulation in adulthood: The importance of age, fixation and attentional functioning
SR Noh, M Lohani, DM Isaacowitz
Cognition & emotion 25 (6), 998-1013, 2011
Gender Effects in Perceptions of Robots and Humans with Varying Emotional Intelligence
M Chita-Tegmark, M Lohani, M Scheutz
14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 230-238, 2019
Age-related differences in judgments of inappropriate behavior are related to humor style preferences.
JT Stanley, M Lohani, DM Isaacowitz
Psychology and aging 29 (3), 528, 2014
Embedding emotional intelligence into military training contexts
KB Oden, M Lohani, M McCoy, J Crutchfield, S Rivers
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 4052-4059, 2015
80 MPH and out-of-the-loop: Effects of real-world semi-automated driving on driver workload and arousal
FN Biondi, M Lohani, R Hopman, S Mills, JM Cooper, DL Strayer
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
Cross-cultural evaluation of the International Affective Picture System on an Indian sample
M Lohani, R Gupta, N Srinivasan
Psychological Studies 58 (3), 233-241, 2013
Do we need emotionally intelligent artificial agents? First results of human perceptions of emotional intelligence in humans compared to robots
L Fan, M Scheutz, M Lohani, M McCoy, C Stokes
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017 …, 2017
Focused and distributed attention
N Srinivasan, P Srivastava, M Lohani, S Baijal
Progress in Brain Research 176, 87-100, 2009
Narratives with robots: The impact of interaction context and individual Differences on story recall and emotional Understanding
I Leite, M McCoy, M Lohani, D Ullman, N Salomons, C Stokes, S Rivers, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 4, 29, 2017
Social interaction moderates human-robot trust-reliance relationship and improves stress coping
M Lohani, C Stokes, M McCoy, CA Bailey, SE Rivers
2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016
Emotional coherence in early and later adulthood during sadness reactivity and regulation.
M Lohani, BR Payne, DM Isaacowitz
Emotion 18 (6), 789, 2018
This is your brain on autopilot: Neural indices of driver workload and engagement during partial vehicle automation
AS McDonnell, TG Simmons, GG Erickson, M Lohani, JM Cooper, ...
Human factors 65 (7), 1435-1450, 2023
A day in the life of a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic: An experience sampling approach to emotion regulation
M Lohani, S Dutton, JS Elsey
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2022
A framework for human-agent social systems: the role of non-technical factors in operation success
M Lohani, C Stokes, N Dashan, M McCoy, CA Bailey, SE Rivers
Advances in Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2017
No difference in arousal or cognitive demands between manual and partially automated driving: a multi-method on-road study
M Lohani, JM Cooper, GG Erickson, TG Simmons, AS Mcdonnell, ...
Frontiers in Neuroscience 15, 627, 2021
Autonomous disengagement classification and repair in multiparty child-robot interaction
I Leite, M McCoy, M Lohani, N Salomons, K McElvaine, C Stokes, ...
2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2016
Text captioning buffers against the effects of background noise and hearing loss on memory for speech
BR Payne, JW Silcox, HA Crandell, A Lash, SH Ferguson, M Lohani
Ear and Hearing 43 (1), 115-127, 2022
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