Ethan Meyers
Ethan Meyers
Visiting Associate Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Yale University
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Dynamic population coding of category information in inferior temporal and prefrontal cortex
EM Meyers, DJ Freedman, G Kreiman, EK Miller, T Poggio
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (3), 1407-1419, 2008
The dynamics of invariant object recognition in the human visual system
L Isik, EM Meyers, JZ Leibo, T Poggio
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (1), 91-102, 2014
Contextually evoked object-specific responses in human visual cortex
D Cox, E Meyers, P Sinha
Science 304 (5667), 115-117, 2004
Object decoding with attention in inferior temporal cortex
Y Zhang, EM Meyers, NP Bichot, T Serre, TA Poggio, R Desimone
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8850-8855, 2011
Visual parsing after recovery from blindness
Y Ostrovsky, E Meyers, S Ganesh, U Mathur, P Sinha
Psychological Science 20 (12), 1484-1491, 2009
Using biologically inspired features for face processing
E Meyers, L Wolf
International Journal of Computer Vision 76, 93-104, 2008
The neural decoding toolbox
EM Meyers
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 7, 8, 2013
Incorporation of new information into prefrontal cortical activity after learning working memory tasks
EM Meyers, XL Qi, C Constantinidis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), 4651-4656, 2012
Intelligent information loss: the coding of facial identity, head pose, and non-face information in the macaque face patch system
EM Meyers, M Borzello, WA Freiwald, D Tsao
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (18), 7069-7081, 2015
Dynamic population coding and its relationship to working memory
EM Meyers
Journal of neurophysiology 120 (5), 2260-2268, 2018
Perception strategies in hierarchical vision systems
L Wolf, S Bileschi, E Meyers
2006 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2006
Morphing spectral envelopes using audio flow.
T Ezzat, E Meyers, JR Glass, TA Poggio
INTERSPEECH, 2545-2548, 2005
Differential processing of isolated object and multi-item pop-out displays in LIP and PFC
EM Meyers, A Liang, F Katsuki, C Constantinidis
Cerebral Cortex 28 (11), 3816-3828, 2018
Tutorial on pattern classification in cell recording
E Meyers, G Kreiman
Parsing visual scenes via dynamic cues
P Sinha, Y Ostrovsky, E Meyers
J Vis 6, 95, 2006
Turing++ questions: A test for the science of (human) intelligence
T Poggio, E Meyers
AI Magazine 37 (1), 73-77, 2016
Examining high level neural representations of cluttered scenes
E Meyers, H Embark, W Freiwald, T Serre, G Kreiman, T Poggio
Decoding dynamic patterns of neural activity using a ‘biologically plausible’fixed set of weights
E Meyers, D Freedman, G Kreiman, E Miller, T Poggio
Frontiers in systems neuroscience. Available at: http://frontiersin. org …, 2009
Preliminary MEG decoding results
L Isik, EM Meyers, JZ Leibo, T Poggio
NeuroDecodeR: a package for neural decoding in R
EM Meyers
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 17, 1275903, 2024
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