Carlos Wing-Hung Lo
Carlos Wing-Hung Lo
Chinese Universtiy of Hong Kong
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The influence of environmental knowledge and values on managerial behaviours on behalf of the environment: An empirical examination of managers in China
GE Fryxell, CWH Lo
Journal of business ethics 46, 45-69, 2003
Campaign‐style enforcement and regulatory compliance
NN Liu, CWH Lo, X Zhan, W Wang
Public Administration Review 75 (1), 85-95, 2015
Evaluating sustainability in waste management: the case of construction and demolition, chemical and clinical wastes in Hong Kong
S Chung, CWH Lo
Resources, conservation and recycling 37 (2), 119-145, 2003
Fragile convergence: Understanding variation in the enforcement of China's industrial pollution law
B Van Rooij, CWH Lo
Law & Policy 32 (1), 14-37, 2010
Environmental agency and public opinion in Guangzhou: the limits of a popular approach to environmental governance
CWH Lo, SW Leung
The China Quarterly 163, 677-704, 2000
Local waste management constraints and waste administrators in China
SS Chung, CWH Lo
Waste Management 28 (2), 272-281, 2008
Institutional reform, economic changes, and local environmental management in China: the case of Guangdong province
CWH Lo, SY Tang
Environmental Governance in China, 42-62, 2013
Stability and change in managerial work values: A longitudinal study of China, Hong Kong, and the US
DA Ralston, J Pounder, CWH Lo, YY Wong, CP Egri, J Stauffer
Management and Organization Review 2 (1), 67-94, 2006
Contextual changes and environmental policy implementation: a longitudinal study of street-level bureaucrats in Guangzhou, China
X Zhan, CWH Lo, SY Tang
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 24 (4), 1005-1035, 2014
Effective regulations with little effect? The antecedents of the perceptions of environmental officials on enforcement effectiveness in China
CWH Lo, GE Fryxell, WWH Wong
Environmental Management 38, 388-410, 2006
Public participation and environmental impact assessment in mainland China and Taiwan: Political foundations of environmental management
SY Tang, CP Tang, CWH Lo
The Journal of Development Studies 41 (1), 1-32, 2005
Nonprofit policy advocacy under authoritarianism
H Li, CWH Lo, SY Tang
Public Administration Review 77 (1), 103-117, 2017
Institutional constraints on environmental management in urban China: Environmental impact assessment in Guangzhou and Shanghai
SY Tang, CWH Lo, KC Cheung, JMK Lo
The China Quarterly 152, 863-874, 1997
Influence of motivations for seeking ISO 14001 certification on perceptions of EMS effectiveness in China
GE Fryxell, C Wing-Hung Lo, SS Chung
Environmental Management 33, 239-251, 2004
Organizational visibility, stakeholder environmental pressure and corporate environmental responsiveness in China
J Yu, CWH Lo, PHY Li
Business Strategy and the Environment 26 (3), 371-384, 2017
Cultural heritage assets in China as sustainable tourism products: Case studies of the Hutongs and the Huanghua section of the Great Wall
H Du Cros, T Bauer, C Lo, S Rui
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 13 (2), 171-194, 2005
Regulatory compliance when the rule of law is weak: evidence from China’s environmental reform
WH Yee, SY Tang, CWH Lo
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, muu025, 2014
Changes in enforcement styles among environmental enforcement officials in China
CWH Lo, GE Fryxell, B Van Rooij
Environment and Planning A 41 (11), 2706-2723, 2009
Governmental and societal support for environmental enforcement in China: an empirical study in Guangzhou
CWH Lo, GE Fryxell
Journal of Development Studies 41 (4), 558-588, 2005
China's Legal Awakening: Legal Theory and Criminal Justice in Deng's Era
Hong Kong University Press, 1995
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