Vincent Lemort
Vincent Lemort
Professor of Thermodynamics, University of Liège
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Pure and pseudo-pure fluid thermophysical property evaluation and the open-source thermophysical property library CoolProp
IH Bell, J Wronski, S Quoilin, V Lemort
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 53 (6), 2498-2508, 2014
Techno-economic survey of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems
S Quoilin, M Van Den Broek, S Declaye, P Dewallef, V Lemort
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 22, 168-186, 2013
Thermo-economic optimization of waste heat recovery Organic Rankine Cycles
S Quoilin, S Declaye, BF Tchanche, V Lemort
Applied thermal engineering 31 (14-15), 2885-2893, 2011
Testing and modeling a scroll expander integrated into an Organic Rankine Cycle
V Lemort, S Quoilin, C Cuevas, J Lebrun
Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (14-15), 3094-3102, 2009
Experimental study and modeling of an Organic Rankine Cycle using scroll expander
S Quoilin, V Lemort, J Lebrun
Applied energy 87 (4), 1260-1268, 2010
Dynamic modeling and optimal control strategy of waste heat recovery Organic Rankine Cycles
S Quoilin, R Aumann, A Grill, A Schuster, V Lemort, H Spliethoff
Applied energy 88 (6), 2183-2190, 2011
Performance and design optimization of a low-cost solar organic Rankine cycle for remote power generation
S Quoilin, M Orosz, H Hemond, V Lemort
Solar energy 85 (5), 955-966, 2011
Experimental study on an open-drive scroll expander integrated into an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system with R245fa as working fluid
S Declaye, S Quoilin, L Guillaume, V Lemort
Energy 55, 173-183, 2013
Carnot battery technology: A state-of-the-art review
O Dumont, GF Frate, A Pillai, S Lecompte, V Lemort
Journal of Energy Storage 32, 101756, 2020
Systematic optimization of subcritical and transcritical organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) constrained by technical parameters in multiple applications
D Maraver, J Royo, V Lemort, S Quoilin
Applied energy 117, 11-29, 2014
Technological and economical survey of organic Rankine cycle systems
S Quoilin, V Lemort
European conference on Economics and management of energy in industry, 2009
Experimental characterization of a hermetic scroll expander for use in a micro-scale Rankine cycle
V Lemort, S Declaye, S Quoilin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2012
Categorization and analysis of heat sources for organic Rankine cycle systems
H Zhai, Q An, L Shi, V Lemort, S Quoilin
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 64, 790-805, 2016
Smart grid energy flexible buildings through the use of heat pumps and building thermal mass as energy storage in the Belgian context
G Masy, E Georges, C Verhelst, V Lemort, P André
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 21 (6), 800-811, 2015
Working fluid selection and operating maps for Organic Rankine Cycle expansion machines
S Quoilin, S Declaye, A Legros, L Guillaume, V Lemort
21st international compressor conference at Purdue, 2012
Experimental comparison of organic fluids for low temperature ORC (organic Rankine cycle) systems for waste heat recovery applications
A Desideri, S Gusev, M Van den Broek, V Lemort, S Quoilin
Energy 97, 460-469, 2016
Resilient cooling strategies–A critical review and qualitative assessment
C Zhang, OB Kazanci, R Levinson, P Heiselberg, BW Olesen, G Chiesa, ...
Energy and Buildings 251, 111312, 2021
Experimental investigation and optimal performance assessment of four volumetric expanders (scroll, screw, piston and roots) tested in a small-scale organic Rankine cycle system
O Dumont, A Parthoens, R Dickes, V Lemort
Energy 165, 1119-1127, 2018
Mapping of performance of pumped thermal energy storage (Carnot battery) using waste heat recovery
O Dumont, V Lemort
Energy 211, 118963, 2020
Reciprocating expander for an exhaust heat recovery rankine cycle for a passenger car application
Y Glavatskaya, P Podevin, V Lemort, O Shonda, G Descombes
Energies 5 (6), 1751-1765, 2012
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