Roland Masson
Roland Masson
Laboratoire de Mathématiques J.A. Dieudonné
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A relaxation method for two-phase flow models with hydrodynamic closure law
M Baudin, C Berthon, F Coquel, R Masson, QH Tran
Numerische mathematik 99, 411-440, 2005
Wavelet methods for second-order elliptic problems, preconditioning, and adaptivity
A Cohen, R Masson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 21 (3), 1006-1026, 1999
Verification benchmarks for single-phase flow in three-dimensional fractured porous media
I Berre, WM Boon, B Flemisch, A Fumagalli, D Gläser, E Keilegavlen, ...
Advances in Water Resources 147, 103759, 2021
Vertex-centred discretization of multiphase compositional Darcy flows on general meshes
R Eymard, C Guichard, R Herbin, R Masson
Computational Geosciences 16, 987-1005, 2012
Nonlinear preconditioning: How to use a nonlinear Schwarz method to precondition Newton's method
V Dolean, MJ Gander, W Kheriji, F Kwok, R Masson
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (6), A3357-A3380, 2016
Wavelet adaptive method for second order elliptic problems: Boundary conditions and domain decomposition
A Cohen, R Masson
Numerische Mathematik 86 (2), 193-238, 2000
Convergence of the finite volume MPFA O scheme for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion problems on general meshes
L Agelas, R Masson
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 346 (17-18), 1007-1012, 2008
Decoupling and block preconditioning for sedimentary basin simulations
R Scheichl, R Masson, J Wendebourg
Computational Geosciences 7, 295-318, 2003
Gradient schemes for two‐phase flow in heterogeneous porous media and Richards equation
R Eymard, C Guichard, R Herbin, R Masson
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2014
Gradient discretization of hybrid-dimensional Darcy flow in fractured porous media with discontinuous pressures at matrix–fracture interfaces
K Brenner, J Hennicker, R Masson, P Samier
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 37 (3), 1551-1585, 2017
Gradient discretization of hybrid dimensional Darcy flows in fractured porous media
K Brenner, M Groza, C Guichard, G Lebeau, R Masson
Numerische Mathematik 134, 569-609, 2016
Accelerating the convergence of coupled geomechanical‐reservoir simulations
L Jeannin, M Mainguy, R Masson, S Vidal‐Gilbert
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2007
Hybrid-dimensional modelling of two-phase flow through fractured porous media with enhanced matrix fracture transmission conditions
K Brenner, J Hennicker, R Masson, P Samier
Journal of Computational Physics 357, 100-124, 2018
Vertex approximate gradient scheme for hybrid dimensional two-phase Darcy flows in fractured porous media
K Brenner, M Groza, C Guichard, R Masson
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 49 (2), 303-330, 2015
TP or not TP, that is the question
R Eymard, T Gallouët, C Guichard, R Herbin, R Masson
Computational Geosciences 18, 285-296, 2014
Method of simulating the sedimentary deposition in a basin respecting the thicknesses of the sedimentary sequences
R Masson, MC Cacas, G Dobranszky
US Patent 7,337,069, 2008
Convergence of a vertex centred discretization of two-phase darcy flows on general meshes
K Brenner, R Masson
International Journal on Finite Volumes 10, 1-37, 2013
Domain decomposition for an asymptotic geological fault modeling
E Flauraud, F Nataf, I Faille, R Masson
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 331 (12), 849-855, 2003
Biorthogonal spline wavelets on the interval for the resolution of boundary problems
R Masson
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 6 (06), 749-791, 1996
Immiscible two-phase Darcy flow model accounting for vanishing and discontinuous capillary pressures: application to the flow in fractured porous media
K Brenner, M Groza, L Jeannin, R Masson, J Pellerin
Computational Geosciences 21, 1075-1094, 2017
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