Michael Mangold
Michael Mangold
Professor of Engineering Mathematics, Bingen University of Applied Sciences
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Nonlinear computation in DIVA—methods and applications
M Mangold, A Kienle, ED Gilles, KD Mohl
Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2), 441-454, 2000
Designing biological systems: systems engineering meets synthetic biology
S Rollié, M Mangold, K Sundmacher
Chemical Engineering Science 69 (1), 1-29, 2012
Optimal experimental design with the sigma point method
R Schenkendorf, A Kremling, M Mangold
IET systems biology 3 (1), 10-23, 2009
A network theory for the structured modelling of chemical processes
M Mangold, S Motz, ED Gilles
Chemical Engineering Science 57 (19), 4099-4116, 2002
Nonlinear dynamics of fuel cells: a review
R Hanke-Rauschenbach, M Mangold, K Sundmacher
Reviews in Chemical Engineering 27 (1-2), 23-52, 2011
Passivity based control of a distributed PEM fuel cell model
M Mangold, A Bück, R Hanke-Rauschenbach
Journal of Process Control 20 (3), 292-313, 2010
State and parameter estimation for adsorption columns by nonlinear distributed parameter state observers
M Mangold, G Lauschke, J Schaffner, M Zeitz, ED Gilles
Journal of Process Control 4 (3), 163-172, 1994
A two-phase PEMFC model for process control purposes
M Grötsch, M Mangold
Chemical engineering science 63 (2), 434-447, 2008
A strategy for the spatial temperature control of a molten carbonate fuel cell system
M Sheng, M Mangold, A Kienle
Journal of Power Sources 162 (2), 1213-1219, 2006
Theoretical investigation of steady state multiplicities in solid oxide fuel cells*
M Mangold, M Krasnyk, K Sundmacher
Journal of applied electrochemistry 36, 265-275, 2006
Nonlinear model reduction of a two‐dimensional MCFC model with internal reforming
M Mangold, M Sheng
Fuel Cells 4 (1‐2), 68-77, 2004
Use of a Kalman filter to reconstruct particle size distributions from FBRM measurements
M Mangold
Chemical engineering science 70, 99-108, 2012
Nonlinear analysis of current instabilities in high temperature fuel cells
M Mangold, M Krasnyk, K Sundmacher
Chemical Engineering Science 59 (22-23), 4869-4877, 2004
State profile estimation of an autothermal periodic fixed-bed reactor
X Hua, M Mangold, A Kienle, ED Gilles
Chemical engineering science 53 (1), 47-58, 1998
Development of physical models for the process control of a molten carbonate fuel cell system
M Mangold, M Sheng, P Heidebrecht, A Kienle, K Sundmacher
Chemical Engineering Science 59 (22-23), 4847-4852, 2004
Method of lines within the simulation environment DIVA for chemical processes
R Köhler, KD Mohl, H Schramm, M Zeitz, A Kienle, M Mangold, E Stein, ...
Adaptive method of lines, 391-426, 2001
Dynamics of reaction separation processes in the limit of chemical equilibrium
S Grüner, M Mangold, A Kienle
AIChE journal 52 (3), 1010-1026, 2006
Experimentally coupled thermokinetic oscillators: phase death and rhythmogenesis
KP Zeyer, M Mangold, ED Gilles
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105 (30), 7216-7224, 2001
Computer-aided modeling of chemical and biological systems: Methods, tools, and applications
M Mangold, O Angeles-Palacios, M Ginkel, A Kremling, R Waschler, ...
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44 (8), 2579-2591, 2005
Parameter identification for ordinary and delay differential equations by using flat inputs
R Schenkendorf, M Mangold
Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering 48, 594-607, 2014
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