Peter Lee
Peter Lee
Senior Lecturer in Embedded Systems, University of Kent, UK
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Distributed data propagator
J Bernardin, P Lee, J Lewis
US Patent App. 10/222,337, 2003
Adaptive scheduling
J Bernardin, P Lee, J Lewis
US Patent App. 10/306,689, 2003
Learning from Tay’s introduction
P Lee
Official Microsoft Blog 25 (03), 2016
Antibody recognition of the pandemic H1N1 Influenza virus hemagglutinin receptor binding site
M Hong, PS Lee, RMB Hoffman, X Zhu, JC Krause, NS Laursen, S Yoon, ...
Journal of virology 87 (22), 12471-12480, 2013
Distributed computing
J Bernardin, P Lee
US Patent App. 11/248,381, 2006
Score-based scheduling of service requests in a grid services computing platform
J Bernardin, P Lee
US Patent 7,130,891, 2006
Using execution statistics to select tasks for redundant assignment in a distributed computing platform
J Bernardin, P Lee, J Lewis
US Patent 7,093,004, 2006
Mass flow measurement of fine particles in a pneumatic suspension using electrostatic sensing and neural network techniques
Y Yan, L Xu, P Lee
IEEE Transactions on instrumentation and measurement 55 (6), 2330-2334, 2006
Pattern recognition in grey level images using moment based invariant features
S Paschalakis, P Lee
IET Digital Library, 1999
An FPGA implementation of a flexible, parallel image processing architecture suitable for embedded vision systems
S McBader, P Lee
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 5 pp., 2003
Method, apparatus and articles-of-manufacture for network-based distributed computing
P Lee, J Bernardin
US Patent 6,757,730, 2004
Redundancy-based methods, apparatus and articles-of-manufacture for providing improved quality-of-service in an always-live distributed computing environment
J Bernardin, P Lee
US Patent App. 09/777,190, 2002
On-line nonintrusive measurement of particle size distribution through digital imaging
RM Carter, Y Yan, P Lee
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 55 (6), 2034-2038, 2006
Double precision floating-point arithmetic on FPGAs
S Paschalakis, P Lee
Proceedings. 2003 IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable …, 2003
Design and structure of an engineered disulfide-stabilized influenza virus hemagglutinin trimer
PS Lee, X Zhu, W Yu, IA Wilson
Journal of virology 89 (14), 7417-7420, 2015
Adaptive polling
J Bernardin, P Lee, J Lewis
US Patent 8,195,739, 2012
Totem: a highly parallel chip for triggering applications with inductive learning based on the reactive tabu search
G Anzellotti, R Battiti, I Lazzizzera, G Soncini, A Zorat, A Sartori, ...
International Journal of Modern Physics C 6 (04), 555-560, 1995
On the accuracy of digital phase sensitive detectors implemented in FPGA technology
JJ Vandenbussche, P Lee, J Peuteman
ieee transactions on instrumentation and measurement 63 (8), 1926-1936, 2014
Homomorphic filtering of colour images using a spatial filter kernel in the HSI colour space
U Nnolim, P Lee
2008 IEEE instrumentation and measurement technology conference, 1738-1743, 2008
Lorenz chaotic model using filed programmable gate array (fpga)
MA Aseeri, MI Sobhy, P Lee
The 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2002. MWSCAS-2002 …, 2002
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