Kathleen McCoy
Kathleen McCoy
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Efficiently computed lexical chains as an intermediate representation for automatic text summarization
HG Silber, KF McCoy
Computational Linguistics 28 (4), 487-496, 2002
Recognizing syntactic errors in the writing of second language learners
DA Schneider, KF McCoy
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9805012, 1998
Generating text from compressed input: An intelligent interface for people with severe motor impairments
PW Demasco, KF McCoy
Communications of the ACM 35 (5), 68-78, 1992
Efficient text summarization using lexical chains
HG Silber, KF McCoy
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2000
User interaction with word prediction: The effects of prediction quality
K Trnka, J McCaw, D Yarrington, KF McCoy, C Pennington
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 1 (3), 1-34, 2009
Focus of attention: Constraining what can be said next
KF McCoy, J Cheng
Natural language generation in artificial intelligence and computational …, 1991
Generating context-sensitive responses to object-related misconceptions
KF McCoy
Artificial Intelligence 41 (2), 157-195, 1989
Reasoning on a highlighted user model to respond to misconceptions
KF McCoy
Computational Linguistics 14 (3), 52-63, 1988
Increasing high school girls' self confidence and awareness of CS through a positive summer experience
L Pollock, K McCoy, S Carberry, N Hundigopal, X You
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 36 (1), 185-189, 2004
An intelligent tutoring system for deaf learners of written English
LN Michaud, KF McCoy, CA Pennington
Proceedings of the fourth international ACM conference on Assistive …, 2000
Generating anaphoric expressions: Pronoun or definite description?
KF McCoy, M Strube
The relation of discourse/dialogue structure and reference, 1999
RAFT/RAPR and centering: A comparison and discussion of problems related to processing complex sentences
LZ Suri, KF McCoy
Computational linguistics 20 (2), 301-317, 1994
Generation of single-sentence paraphrases from predicate/argument structure using lexico-grammatical resources
R Kozlowski, KF McCoy, K Vijay-Shanker
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Paraphrasing, 1-8, 2003
The effects of word prediction on communication rate for AAC
K Trnka, D Yarrington, J McCaw, KF McCoy, C Pennington
Human language technologies 2007: The conference of the north american …, 2007
Summarizing information graphics textually
S Demir, S Carberry, KF McCoy
Computational Linguistics 38 (3), 527-574, 2012
English error correction: A syntactic user model based on principled mal-rule scoring
KF McCoy, CA Pennington, LZ Suri
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on User Modeling, 59-66, 1996
Relevance and speed of message delivery trade-offs in augmentative and alternative communication
JL Bedrosian, LA Hoag, KF McCoy
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2003
Correcting object-related misconceptions
KF McCoy
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 1985
Trade-offs between informativeness and speed of message delivery in augmentative and alternative communication
LA Hoag, JL Bedrosian, KF McCoy, DE Johnson
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2004
Highlighting a user model to respond to misconceptions
KF McCoy
User models in dialog systems, 233-254, 1989
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