Jean-Marc Biannic
Jean-Marc Biannic
Research Director, ONERA -- Professor, ISAE-SUPAERO
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Self-scheduled H-infinity control of missile via linear matrix inequalities
P Apkarian, JM Biannic, P Gahinet
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 18 (3), 532-538, 1995
Optimization and implementation of dynamic anti-windup compensators with multiple saturations in flight control systems
JM Biannic, S Tarbouriech
Control Engineering Practice 17 (6), 703-713, 2009
Parameter varying control of a high-performance aircraft
JM Biannic, P Apkarian, WL Garrard
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 20 (2), 225-231, 1997
Missile autopilot design via a modified LPV synthesis technique
JM Biannic, P Apkarian
Aerospace Science and Technology 3 (3), 153-160, 1999
Trajectory tracking for a quadrotor under wind perturbations: sliding mode control with state-dependent gains
G Perozzi, D Efimov, JM Biannic, L Planckaert
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (12), 4809-4838, 2018
On-ground aircraft control design using a parameter-varying anti-windup approach
C Roos, JM Biannic, S Tarbouriech, C Prieur, M Jeanneau
Aerospace Science and Technology 14 (7), 459-471, 2010
Autonomous assembly of large structures in space: a technology review
M Rognant, C Cumer, JM Biannic, MA Roa, A Verhaeghe, V Bissonnette
EUCASS 2019, 2019
A practical approach to performance analysis of saturated systems with application to fighter aircraft flight controllers
JM Biannic, S Tarbouriech, D Farret
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (9), 35-40, 2006
Reliable computation of the robustness margin for a flexible aircraft
G Ferreres, JM Biannic
Control Engineering Practice 9 (12), 1267-1278, 2001
Robustness analysis of flexible structures: practical algorithms
G Ferreres, JF Magni, JM Biannic
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2003
Commande robuste des systèmes à paramètres variables. Applications en aéronautique
JM Biannic
Supaero PhD -, 1996
A convex characterization of dynamically-constrained anti-windup controllers
C Roos, JM Biannic
Automatica 44 (9), 2449-2452, 2008
μ synthesis by D-K iterations with constant scaling
P Apkarian, JP Chretien, P Gahinet, JM Biannic
1993 American Control Conference, 3192-3196, 1993
A set of μ-analysis based tools to evaluate the robustness properties of high-dimensional uncertain systems
C Roos, F Lescher, JM Biannic, C Döll, G Ferreres
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design …, 2011
Design and robustness analysis of fighter aircraft flight control laws
JM Biannic, C Roos, A Knauf
European journal of control 12 (1), 71-85, 2006
Polynomial and rational approximation with the APRICOT library of the SMAC toolbox
C Roos, G Hardier, JM Biannic
2014 IEEE conference on control applications (CCA), 1473-1478, 2014
Structured adaptive attitude control of a satellite
AR Luzi, D Peaucelle, JM Biannic, C Pittet, J Mignot
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 28 (7-8 …, 2014
Efficient computation of a guaranteed stability domain for a high-order parameter dependent plant
C Roos, JM Biannic
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 3895-3900, 2010
A skew mu toolbox (SMT) for robustness analysis
G Ferreres, JM Biannic, JF Magni
2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Convex design of a robust antiwindup controller for an LFT model
G Ferreres, JM Biannic
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 52 (11), 2173-2177, 2007
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