Josef Wiemeyer
Josef Wiemeyer
Professor for Sport Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Serious games
R Dörner, S Göbel, W Effelsberg, J Wiemeyer
Springer, 2016
Serious games in prevention and rehabilitation—a new panacea for elderly people?
J Wiemeyer, A Kliem
European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 9, 41-50, 2012
The structure of performance and training in esports
E Nagorsky, J Wiemeyer
PloS one 15 (8), e0237584, 2020
Quality criteria for serious games: serious part, game part, and balance
P Caserman, K Hoffmann, P Müller, M Schaub, K Straßburg, J Wiemeyer, ...
JMIR serious games 8 (3), e19037, 2020
Player experience
J Wiemeyer, L Nacke, C Moser, F ‘Floyd’Mueller
Serious games: Foundations, concepts and practice, 243-271, 2016
Self-controlled learning of a complex motor skill: Effects of the learner's preferences on performance and self-efficacy.
A Bund, J Wiemeyer
Journal of Human Movement Studies 47, 2004
Comparison of a traditional and a video game based balance training program
A Kliem, J Wiemeyer
International journal of computer science in sport 9 (2), 80-91, 2010
Inverse dynamic analysis of the lower extremities during nordic walking, walking, and running
F Stief, FI Kleindienst, J Wiemeyer, F Wedel, S Campe, B Krabbe
Journal of applied Biomechanics 24 (4), 351-359, 2008
Recommendations for the optimal design of exergame interventions for persons with disabilities: challenges, best practices, and future research
J Wiemeyer, J Deutsch, LA Malone, JL Rowland, MC Swartz, J Xiong, ...
Games for health journal 4 (1), 58-62, 2015
Framework for personalized and adaptive game-based training programs in health sport
S Hardy, T Dutz, J Wiemeyer, S Göbel, R Steinmetz
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, 5289-5311, 2015
Measurement, prediction, and control of individual heart rate responses to exercise—Basics and options for wearable devices
M Ludwig, K Hoffmann, S Endler, A Asteroth, J Wiemeyer
Frontiers in physiology 9, 778, 2018
Who should play in which position in soccer? Empirical evidence and unconventional modelling
J Wiemeyer
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 3 (1), 1-18, 2003
Serious Games--The challenges for computer science in sport.
J Wiemeyer
International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (International …, 2010
Does frequent augmented feedback really degrade learning? A meta-analysis
F Marschall, A Bund, J Wiemeyer
Bewegung und Training 1, 2007
J Wiemeyer, L Nacke, C Moser
Mueller, F, 243-271, 2016
Adaptation model for indoor exergames
S Hardy, S Göbel, M Gutjahr, J Wiemeyer, R Steinmetz
Int J Comput Sci Sport 11 (1), 73-85, 2012
Gesundheit auf dem Spiel?–Serious Games in Prävention und Rehabilitation
J Wiemeyer
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 61 (11), 252-257, 2010
Performance assessment in serious games
J Wiemeyer, M Kickmeier-Rust, CM Steiner
Serious games: Foundations, concepts and practice, 273-302, 2016
Motor memory in HCI
R Patibanda, NA Semertzidis, M Vranic-Peters, JN La Delfa, J Andres, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Dehnen und Leistung-primär psychophysiologische Entspannungseffekte
J Wiemeyer
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 54 (10), 288-294, 2003
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