Alexis Heloir
Alexis Heloir
Researcher and Educator
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Human-centred machine learning
M Gillies, R Fiebrink, A Tanaka, J Garcia, F Bevilacqua, A Heloir, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2016
Sign language avatars: Animation and comprehensibility
M Kipp, A Heloir, Q Nguyen
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2011 …, 2011
Assessing the deaf user perspective on sign language avatars
M Kipp, Q Nguyen, A Heloir, S Matthes
The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on …, 2011
Deephps: End-to-end estimation of 3d hand pose and shape by learning from synthetic depth
J Malik, A Elhayek, F Nunnari, K Varanasi, K Tamaddon, A Heloir, ...
2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 110-119, 2018
Embr–a realtime animation engine for interactive embodied agents
A Heloir, M Kipp
International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 393-404, 2009
Real-time animation of interactive agents: Specification and realization
A Heloir, M Kipp
Applied Artificial Intelligence 24 (6), 510-529, 2010
Temporal alignment of communicative gesture sequences
A Heloir, N Courty, S Gibet, F Multon
Computer animation and virtual worlds 17 (3‐4), 347-357, 2006
The influence of speaker gaze on listener comprehension: Contrasting visual versus intentional accounts
M Staudte, MW Crocker, A Heloir, M Kipp
Cognition 133 (1), 317-328, 2014
Realizing multimodal behavior: Closing the gap between behavior planning and embodied agent presentation
M Kipp, A Heloir, M Schröder, P Gebhard
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 10th International Conference, IVA 2010 …, 2010
Captured motion data processing for real time synthesis of sign language
A Heloir, S Gibet, F Multon, N Courty
Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation: 6th International …, 2006
Exploiting motion capture for virtual human animation
A Heloir, M Neff, M Kipp
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing …, 2010
A qualitative and quantitative characterisation of style in sign language gestures
A Heloir, S Gibet
International Gesture Workshop, 122-133, 2007
Toward an intuitive sign language animation authoring system for the deaf
A Heloir, F Nunnari
Universal Access in the Information Society 15, 513-523, 2016
Animating azee descriptions using off-the-shelf ik solvers
F Nunnari, M Filhol, A Heloir
Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, pp. 155-162, 2018
Virtual humanoids endowed with expressive communication gestures: the HuGEx project
N Rezzoug, P Gorce, A Heloir, S Gibet, N Courty, JF Kamp, F Multon, ...
2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 4445-4450, 2006
Tangible tabletops and dual reality for crisis management: case study with mobile robots and dynamic tangible objects
W Merrad, L Habib, A Héloir, C Kolski, A Krueger
Procedia Computer Science 151, 369-376, 2019
Generation of virtual characters from personality traits
F Nunnari, A Heloir
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 17th International Conference, IVA 2017 …, 2017
Design and evaluation of a self adaptive architecture for upper-limb rehabilitation
A Heloir, F Nunnari, S Haudegond, C Havrez, Y Lebrun, C Kolski
ICTs for Improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques: Second …, 2015
Formalisme de description des gestes de la langue des signes française pour la génération du mouvement de signeurs virtuels
S Gibet, A Héloir
Revue TAL: traitement automatique des langues 48 (3), 115-149, 2007
RFID-based tangible and touch tabletop for dual reality in crisis management context
W Merrad, A Héloir, C Kolski, A Krüger
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 16 (1), 31-53, 2022
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