Sebastien Valette
Sebastien Valette
CREATIS, CNRS, INSA, Université Lyon 1
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Generic remeshing of 3D triangular meshes with metric-dependent discrete Voronoi diagrams
S Valette, JM Chassery, R Prost
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (2), 369-381, 2008
Approximated centroidal voronoi diagrams for uniform polygonal mesh coarsening
S Valette, JM Chassery
Computer Graphics Forum 23 (3), 381-389, 2004
Wavelet-based progressive compression scheme for triangle meshes: Wavemesh
S Valette, R Prost
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (2), 123-129, 2004
Wavelet-based multiresolution analysis of irregular surface meshes
S Valette, P Prost
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 10 (2), 113-122, 2004
Standardized evaluation system for left ventricular segmentation algorithms in 3D echocardiography
O Bernard, JG Bosch, B Heyde, M Alessandrini, D Barbosa, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (4), 967-977, 2015
A web interface for 3D visualization and interactive segmentation of medical images
H Jacinto, R Kéchichian, M Desvignes, R Prost, S Valette
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on 3D web technology, 51-58, 2012
Progressive lossless mesh compression via incremental parametric refinement
S Valette, R Chaine, R Prost
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (5), 1301-1310, 2009
Watermarking of 3D irregular meshes based on wavelet multiresolution analysis
MS Kim, S Valette, HY Jung, R Prost
International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, 313-324, 2005
Self‐similarity for accurate compression of point sampled surfaces
J Digne, R Chaine, S Valette
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (2), 155-164, 2014
A multiresolution wavelet scheme for irregularly subdivided 3D triangular mesh
S Valette, YS Kim, HY Jung, I Magnin, R Prost
Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat …, 1999
Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete volume data
J Dardenne, S Valette, N Siauve, N Burais, R Prost
The Visual Computer 25, 401-410, 2009
Sparse geometric representation through local shape probing
J Digne, S Valette, R Chaine
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 24 (7), 2238-2250, 2017
Shortest-path constraints for 3d multiobject semiautomatic segmentation via clustering and graph cut
R Kéchichian, S Valette, M Desvignes, R Prost
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 22 (11), 4224-4236, 2013
Automatic 3D multiorgan segmentation via clustering and graph cut using spatial relations and hierarchically-registered atlases
R Kéchichian, S Valette, M Sdika, M Desvignes
Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data: International Workshop …, 2014
Variational implicit surface meshing
A Gelas, S Valette, R Prost, WL Nowinski
Computers & Graphics 33 (3), 312-320, 2009
A polygonal mesh partitioning algorithm based on protrusion conquest for perceptual 3D shape description
S Valette, I Kompatsiaris, MG Strintzis
SVE, 2005
Adaptive polygonal mesh simplification with discrete centroidal voronoi diagrams
S Valette, I Kompatsiaris, JM Chassery
ICMI, 2005
Compression of 3D triangular meshes with progressive precision
S Valette, A Gouaillard, R Prost
Computers & Graphics 28 (1), 35-42, 2004
Realistic X-Ray CT simulation of the XCAT phantom with SINDBAD
J Tabary, S Marache-Francisco, S Valette, WP Segars, C Lartizien
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (NSS/MIC), 3980-3983, 2009
Multi-atlas automatic positioning of anatomical landmarks
H Jacinto, S Valette, R Prost
Journal of visual communication and image representation 50, 167-177, 2018
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