amol kulkarni
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Bubble formation and bubble rise velocity in gas− liquid systems: a review
AA Kulkarni, JB Joshi
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 44 (16), 5873-5931, 2005
Wet chemical synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles: a review
AV Nikam, BLV Prasad, AA Kulkarni
CrystEngComm 20 (35), 5091-5107, 2018
Size-controlled flow synthesis of gold nanoparticles using a segmented flow microfluidic platform
V Sebastian Cabeza, S Kuhn, AA Kulkarni, KF Jensen
Langmuir 28 (17), 7007-7013, 2012
Continuous flow nitration in miniaturized devices
AA Kulkarni
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 10 (1), 405-424, 2014
Coherent flow structures in bubble column reactors
JB Joshi, VS Vitankar, AA Kulkarni, MT Dhotre, K Ekambara
Chemical Engineering Science 57 (16), 3157-3183, 2002
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by sophorolipids: Effect of temperature and sophorolipid structure on the size of particles
MB Kasture, P Patel, AA Prabhune, CV Ramana, AA Kulkarni, ...
Journal of Chemical Sciences 120, 515-520, 2008
Hydrodynamics of bubble column reactors at high gas velocity: experiments and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations
MR Rampure, AA Kulkarni, VV Ranade
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46 (25), 8431-8447, 2007
Gas–liquid flow and mass transfer in an advanced-flow reactor
MJ Nieves-Remacha, AA Kulkarni, KF Jensen
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (26), 8996-9010, 2013
Hydrodynamics of liquid–liquid dispersion in an advanced-flow reactor
MJ Nieves-Remacha, AA Kulkarni, KF Jensen
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 51 (50), 16251-16262, 2012
Continuous flow nitration of benzaldehyde
AA Kulkarni, VS Kalyani, RA Joshi, RR Joshi
Organic Process Research & Development 13 (5), 999-1002, 2009
Application of multiresolution analysis for simultaneous measurement of gas and liquid velocities and fractional gas hold-up in bubble column using LDA
AA Kulkarni, JB Joshi, VR Kumar, BD Kulkarni
Chemical Engineering Science 56 (17), 5037-5048, 2001
On the development of flow pattern in a bubble column reactor: experiments and CFD
AA Kulkarni, K Ekambara, JB Joshi
Chemical engineering science 62 (4), 1049-1072, 2007
Segmented flow synthesis of Ag nanoparticles in spiral microreactor: Role of continuous and dispersed phase
DVR Kumar, BLV Prasad, AA Kulkarni
Chemical Engineering Journal 192, 357-368, 2012
Mass transfer in bubble column reactors: effect of bubble size distribution
AA Kulkarni
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 46 (7), 2205-2211, 2007
Automating multistep flow synthesis: approach and challenges in integrating chemistry, machines and logic
CA Shukla, AA Kulkarni
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 (1), 960-987, 2017
pH-Dependent Single-Step Rapid Synthesis of CuO and Cu2O Nanoparticles from the Same Precursor
AV Nikam, A Arulkashmir, K Krishnamoorthy, AA Kulkarni, BLV Prasad
Crystal Growth & Design 14 (9), 4329-4334, 2014
Pressure drop across vortex diodes: Experiments and design guidelines
AA Kulkarni, VV Ranade, R Rajeev, SB Koganti
Chemical Engineering Science 64 (6), 1285-1292, 2009
Continuous flow synthesis of functionalized silver nanoparticles using bifunctional biosurfactants
DVR Kumar, M Kasture, AA Prabhune, CV Ramana, BLV Prasad, ...
Green Chemistry 12 (4), 609-615, 2010
CFD simulation of flow in vortex diodes
AA Kulkarni, VV Ranade, R Rajeev, SB Koganti
AIChE journal 54 (5), 1139-1152, 2008
Impinging jet micromixer for flow synthesis of nanocrystalline MgO: Role of mixing/impingement zone
DVR Kumar, BLV Prasad, AA Kulkarni
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (49), 17376-17382, 2013
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