Olivier Mazet
Olivier Mazet
Institut Mathématique de Toulouse
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Stochastic calculus with respect to Gaussian processes
E Alos, O Mazet, D Nualart
The Annals of Probability 29 (2), 766-801, 2001
On the importance of being structured: instantaneous coalescence rates and human evolution—lessons for ancestral population size inference?
O Mazet, W Rodríguez, S Grusea, S Boitard, L Chikhi
Heredity 116 (4), 362-371, 2016
Stochastic calculus with respect to fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter lesser than 12
E Alòs, O Mazet, D Nualart
Stochastic processes and their applications 86 (1), 121-139, 2000
A long-term evolutionary pressure on the amount of noncoding DNA
C Knibbe, A Coulon, O Mazet, JM Fayard, G Beslon
Molecular biology and evolution 24 (10), 2344-2353, 2007
The IICR (inverse instantaneous coalescence rate) as a summary of genomic diversity: insights into demographic inference and model choice
L Chikhi, W Rodríguez, S Grusea, P Santos, S Boitard, O Mazet
Heredity 120 (1), 13-24, 2018
Demographic inference using genetic data from a single individual: Separating population size variation from population structure
O Mazet, W Rodríguez, L Chikhi
Theoretical population biology 104, 46-58, 2015
Classification des semi-groupes de diffusion sur associés à une famille de polynômes orthogonaux
O Mazet
Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg 31, 40-53, 1997
Spontaneous dynamics of asymmetric random recurrent spiking neural networks
H Soula, G Beslon, O Mazet
Neural Computation 18 (1), 60-79, 2006
Evolutionary coupling between the deleteriousness of gene mutations and the amount of non-coding sequences
C Knibbe, O Mazet, F Chaudier, JM Fayard, G Beslon
Journal of Theoretical Biology 244 (4), 621-630, 2007
The IICR and the non-stationary structured coalescent: towards demographic inference with arbitrary changes in population structure
W Rodríguez, O Mazet, S Grusea, A Arredondo, JM Corujo, S Boitard, ...
Heredity 121 (6), 663-678, 2018
Characterization of Markov semigroups on ℝ associated to some families of orthogonal polynomials
D Bakry, O Mazet
Séminaire de Probabilités XXXVII, 60-80, 2003
Inferring number of populations and changes in connectivity under the n-island model
A Arredondo, B Mourato, K Nguyen, S Boitard, W Rodríguez, O Mazet, ...
Heredity 126 (6), 896-912, 2021
Impact of model assumptions on demographic inferences: the case study of two sympatric mouse lemurs in northwestern Madagascar
H Teixeira, J Salmona, A Arredondo, B Mourato, S Manzi, ...
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21, 1-18, 2021
Heterogeneity in effective size across the genome: effects on the inverse instantaneous coalescence rate (IICR) and implications for demographic inference under linked selection
S Boitard, A Arredondo, L Chikhi, O Mazet
Genetics 220 (3), iyac008, 2022
Coalescence times for three genes provide sufficient information to distinguish population structure from population size changes
S Grusea, W Rodríguez, D Pinchon, L Chikhi, S Boitard, O Mazet
Journal of Mathematical Biology 78, 189-224, 2019
A characterization of Markov property for semigroups with invariant measure
O Mazet
Potential Analysis 16 (3), 279-287, 2002
Modélisation cellulaire pour l'émergence de structures multiprotéiques auto-organisées.
A Coulon, H Soula, O Mazet, O Gandrillon, G Beslon
Technique et Science Informatiques 26 (1/2), 123, 2007
Population genetics: coalescence rate and demographic parameters inference
O Mazet, C Noûs
Peer Community Journal 3, 2023
Mean field theory for random recurrent spiking neural networks
B Cessac, O Mazet, M Samuelides, H Soula
NOLTA 5, 18-21, 2005
Semigroupes de Markov associés à une famille de polynômes orthogonaux
O Mazet
Toulouse, 1998
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