Stanislav Tomashevich (Станислав Томашевич)
Stanislav Tomashevich (Станислав Томашевич)
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Recursive identification of motion model parameters for ultralight UAV
K Amelin, S Tomashevich, B Andrievsky
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 233-237, 2015
Simple adaptive control of quadrotor attitude. Algorithms and experimental results
SI Tomashevich, AL Fradkov, B Andrievsky, AO Belyavskyi, K Amelin
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 933-938, 2017
Passification based simple adaptive control of quadrotor
S Tomashevich, A Belyavskyi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (13), 281-286, 2016
Passification based signal-parametric adaptive controller for agents in formation
B Andrievsky, S Tomashevich
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 222-226, 2015
Experimental study on robust output control for quadcopters
SI Tomashevich, OI Borisov, VS Gromov, AA Pyrkin, AA Bobtsov
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1029-1034, 2017
Stability and performance of networked control of quadrocopters formation flight
S Tomashevich, B Andrievsky
2014 6th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2014
Passification based simple adaptive control of quadrotor attitude: Algorithms and testbed results
S Tomashevich, A Belyavskyi, B Andrievsky
AIP Conference Proceedings 1798 (1), 2017
2DoF indoor testbed for quadrotor identification and control
SI Tomashevich, AO Belyavskyi
23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation …, 2016
Application of 2dof quadrotor-based laboratory testbed for engineering education
AO Belyavskyi, SI Tomashevich, B Andrievsky
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 939-944, 2017
Adaptive coding for data exchange between quadrotors in the formation
AL Fradkov, S Tomashevich, B Andrievsky, K Amelin, IN Kaliteevskiy
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (13), 275-280, 2016
Formation control of a group of unmanned aerial vehicles with data exchange over a packet erasure channel
S Tomashevich, B Andrievsky, AL Fradkov
2018 IEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 38-43, 2018
Navigation data transfer in a quadrotor formation via a binary communication channel with adaptive coding and data erasure
SI Tomashevich, AO Belyavsky
2017 24th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation …, 2017
Simple adaptive control of aircraft roll angle, suppressing the wing rock oscillations.
B Andrievsky, EV Kudryashova, NV Kuznetsov, OA Kuznetsova, ...
Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA) 10 (3), 2019
Parameter estimation of quadrotor model
MA Kakanov, SI Tomashevich, VS Gromov, OI Borisov, FB Gromova, ...
2020 International Conference Nonlinearity, Information and Robotics (NIR), 1-5, 2020
Data exchange with adaptive coding between quadrotors in a formation
KS Amelin, BR Andrievsky, SI Tomashevich, AL Fradkov
Automation and Remote Control 80, 150-163, 2019
Passification-based adaptive control design for quadrotor stabilization
AO Belyavskii, SI Tomashevich
Automation and Remote Control 79, 1886-1902, 2018
Control for a system of linear agents based on a high order adaptation algorithm
SI Tomashevich
Automation and Remote Control 78, 276-288, 2017
Поведение агента, заданное логистическим отображением
АБ Бушуев, ВС Воробьев, СП Томашевич, ОК Мансурова, ...
Известия высших учебных заведений. Приборостроение 58 (8), 600-605, 2015
Full control of a quadrotor with simple adaptive control
SI Tomashevich, BR Andrievsky
Дифференциальные уравнения и процессы управления, 41-58, 2020
Adaptive control of quadrotors spatial motion in formation with implicit reference model
S Tomashevich, B Andrievsky
AIP Conference Proceedings 2046 (1), 2018
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Artikel 1–20