Nikolay Nikolaev
Nikolay Nikolaev
Sonstige NamenНиколай Николаев
ITMO University
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Identification of frequency of biased harmonic signal
S Aranovskiy, A Bobtsov, A Kremlev, N Nikolaev, O Slita
European Journal of Control 16 (2), 129-139, 2010
Generalized parameter estimation-based observers: Application to power systems and chemical–biological reactors
R Ortega, A Bobtsov, N Nikolaev, J Schiffer, D Dochain
Automatica 129, 109635, 2021
Синтез управления нелинейными системами с функциональными и параметрическими неопределенностями на основе теоремы Фрадкова
АА Бобцов, НА Николаев
Автоматика и телемеханика, 118-129, 2005
Adaptive control of libration angle of a satellite
A Bobtsov, N Nikolaev, O Slita
Mechatronics 17 (4-5), 271-276, 2007
Adaptive state estimation of state-affine systems with unknown time-varying parameters
A Bobtsov, R Ortega, B Yi, N Nikolaev
International Journal of Control 95 (9), 2460-2472, 2022
State observers for reaction systems with improved convergence rates
R Ortega, A Bobtsov, D Dochain, N Nikolaev
Journal of Process Control 83, 53-62, 2019
Simple robust and adaptive tracking control for mobile robots
AA Pyrkin, AA Bobtsov, SA Kolyubin, MV Faronov, OI Borisov, VS Gromov, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 143-149, 2015
Output robust control with anti-windup compensation for quadcopters
OI Borisov, VS Gromov, AA Pyrkin, AA Bobtsov, NA Nikolaev
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (13), 287-292, 2016
Parameter identification with finite-convergence time alertness preservation
R Ortega, A Bobtsov, N Nikolaev
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 205-210, 2021
State observation of LTV systems with delayed measurements: A parameter estimation-based approach with fixed convergence time
A Bobtsov, N Nikolaev, R Ortega, D Efimov
Automatica 131, 109674, 2021
Identification of frequency of biased harmonic signal
S Aranovskiy, A Bobtsov, A Kremlev, N Nikolaev, O Slita
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 40 (13), 167-172, 2007
A globally stable practically implementable PI passivity‐based controller for switched power converters
A Bobtsov, R Ortega, N Nikolaev, W He
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 35 (11 …, 2021
Robotic boat setup for control research and education
OI Borisov, VS Gromov, AA Pyrkin, AA Bobtsov, NA Nikolaev
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (6), 256-261, 2016
Adaptive observer design for a chaotic Duffing system
A Bobtsov, A Pyrkin, N Nikolaev, O Slita
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2009
Управление по выходу линейными системами с неучтенной динамикой
АА Бобцов, НА Николаев
Автоматика и телемеханика, 115-122, 2009
The basics of the identification, localization and navigation for mobile robots
D Dobriborsci, A Kapitonov, N Nikolaev
2017 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT …, 2017
PMU‐based decentralised mixed algebraic and dynamic state observation in multi‐machine power systems
N Lorenz‐Meyer, A Bobtsov, R Ortega, N Nikolaev, J Schiffer
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (25), 6267-6275, 2020
Последовательный компенсатор в задаче управления однозвенным роботом-манипулятором с гибкими связями
АА Бобцов, НА Николаев
Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление, 2-7, 2006
Practical implementation of high power and efficiency DC-DC full-bridge PWM boost converter
S Alexandrova, N Nikolaev, O Slita, A Baev, M Goncharenko
2017 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT …, 2017
Application of the Stewart platform for studying in control theory
D Dobriborsci, A Kapitonov, N Nikolaev
2017 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT …, 2017
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