Hanchen Xiong
Hanchen Xiong
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Structural bootstrapping—A novel, generative mechanism for faster and more efficient acquisition of action-knowledge
F Wörgötter, C Geib, M Tamosiunaite, EE Aksoy, J Piater, H Xiong, A Ude, ...
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 7 (2), 140-154, 2015
Discriminative topic modeling with logistic LDA
I Korshunova, H Xiong, M Fedoryszak, L Theis
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Diversity priors for learning early visual features
H Xiong, AJ Rodríguez-Sánchez, S Szedmak, J Piater
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 9, 104, 2015
A Study of Point Cloud Registration with Probability Product Kernel Functions
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
2013 International Conference on 3D Vision, 207-214, 2013
Scalable, accurate image annotation with joint SVMs and output kernels
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
Neurocomputing 169, 205-214, 2015
Towards sparsity and selectivity: Bayesian learning of restricted Boltzmann machine for early visual features
H Xiong, S Szedmak, A Rodríguez-Sánchez, J Piater
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2014: 24th …, 2014
Reducing redundancy and model decay with embeddings
D Shiebler, L Belli, J Baxter, H Xiong, A Tayal
US Patent App. 16/271,630, 2019
Multi-label object categorization using histograms of global relations
W Mustafa, H Xiong, D Kraft, S Szedmak, J Piater, N Krüger
2015 International Conference on 3D Vision, 309-317, 2015
Homogeneity analysis for object-action relation reasoning in kitchen scenarios
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
2nd Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems: Bridging the Gap …, 2013
Learning missing edges via kernels in partially-known graphs.
S Krivic, S Szedmak, H Xiong, JH Piater
ESANN, 2015
Fighting redundancy and model decay with embeddings
D Shiebler, L Belli, J Baxter, H Xiong, A Tayal
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.07703, 2018
Learning V4 curvature cell populations from sparse endstopped cells
A Rodríguez-Sánchez, S Oberleiter, H Xiong, J Piater
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2016: 25th …, 2016
Rotation Optimization on the Unit Quaternion Manifold and its Application for Robotic Grasping
P Zech, H Xiong, J Piater
IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics. IMA, 2015
Implicit Learning of Simpler Output Kernels for Multi-Label Prediction
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
NIPS workshop on Representation and Learning for Complex Outputs 5, 2014
Efficient, General Point Cloud Registration With Kernel Feature Maps
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
2013 International Conference on Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 83 - 90, 2013
3D Object Class Geometry Modeling with Spatial Latent Dirichlet Markov Random Fields
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
2013 German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 51-60, 2013
Comparing Binary Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and Gibbs Sampling for Training Discrete MRFs with Stochastic Approximation
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
Learning Interrelations via Incomplete Multi-valued Mappings Technical Report
S Szedmak, H Xiong, S Krivic
Training 1, y1, 2018
Active and Transfer Learning of Grasps by Kernel Adaptive MCMC
P Zech, H Xiong, J Piater
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06368, 2016
Learning undirected graphical models using persistent sequential Monte Carlo
H Xiong, S Szedmak, J Piater
Machine Learning 103, 239-260, 2016
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