Marcelino Sanchez Pantoja
Marcelino Sanchez Pantoja
PhD in Automatic Control
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Convex stability analysis of nonlinear singular systems via linear matrix inequalities
JC Arceo, M Sánchez, V Estrada-Manzo, M Bernal
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1740-1745, 2018
Energy management of hybrid vehicles with state constraints: A penalty and implicit Hamiltonian minimization approach
M Sánchez, S Delprat, T Hofman
Applied Energy 260, 114149, 2020
Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management: Avoiding the Explicit Hamiltonian Minimization
M Sanchez, S Delprat
2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 1-5, 2018
LMI–Based robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems via Polytopes of Polynomials
M Sánchez, M Bernal
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 29 (2 …, 2019
A convex approach for reducing conservativeness of Kharitonov’s-based robustness analysis
M Sánchez, M Bernal
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 832-837, 2017
A Tighter Exact Convex Modelling for Improved LMI-Based Nonlinear System Analysis and Design
S Delprat, J Alvarez, M Sanchez, M Bernal
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020
A novel parameter-dependent polynomial approach for robust automated lane keeping
M Sánchez, J Álvarez, S Delprat, M Bernal
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-9, 2021
Optimal Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management and Active Damping of the Side-Shaft Oscillations
M Sanchez, S Delprat, W Lhomme, F Tournez
2018 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 1-5, 2018
Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Singular Systems via Polytopic Models of the Characteristic Equation⋆
M Sánchez, JC Arceo, V Estrada-Manzo, M Bernal
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