Andreas Harrer
Andreas Harrer
University of the Applied Sciences Dortmund
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Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts
L Kobbe, A Weinberger, P Dillenbourg, A Harrer, R Hämäläinen, ...
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 2 (2-3 …, 2007
CSCL scripts: modelling features and potential use
Y Miao, K Hoeksema, HU Hoppe, A Harrer
Proceedings of th 2005 conference on Computer support for collaborative …, 2005
Simulating norms, social inequality, and functional change in artificial societies
NJ Saam, A Harrer
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 2 (1), 2, 1999
Extending a virtual chemistry laboratory with a collaboration script to promote conceptual learning
D Tsovaltzi, N Rummel, BM McLaren, N Pinkwart, O Scheuer, A Harrer, ...
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 2 (1-2), 91-110, 2010
State of the art of interaction analysis for Metacognitive Support & Diagnosis
A Dimitrakopoulou, A Petrou, A Martinez, JA Marcos, V Kollias, P Jermann, ...
Metafora: A web-based platform for learning to learn together in science and mathematics
T Dragon, M Mavrikis, BM McLaren, A Harrer, C Kynigos, R Wegerif, ...
Learning Technologies, IEEE Transactions on 6 (3), 197-207, 2013
Computer supported moderation of e-discussions: the ARGUNAUT approach
R De Groot, R Drachman, R Hever, BB Schwarz, U Hoppe, A Harrer, ...
Proceedings of the 8th iternational conference on Computer supported …, 2007
Creating cognitive tutors for collaborative learning: steps toward realization
A Harrer, BM McLaren, E Walker, L Bollen, J Sewall
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 16 (3-4), 175-209, 2006
Visualizing co-evolution of individual and collective knowledge
J Kimmerle, J Moskaliuk, A Harrer, U Cress
Information, Communication & Society 13 (8), 1099-1121, 2010
Bootstrapping Novice Data: Semi-automated tutor authoring using student log files
BM McLaren, KR Koedinger, M Schneider, A Harrer, L Bollen
Springer, 2004
Analysis methods for collaborative models and activities
K Gaßner, M Jansen, A Harrer, K Herrmann, HU Hoppe
Designing for change in networked learning environments, 369-377, 2003
Users’ Data
A Harrer, A Martínez-Monès, A Dimitracopoulou
Technology-Enhanced Learning, 175-193, 2009
A framework for the conceptualization of approaches to “Create-by-Reuse” of learning design solutions
D Hernández-Leo, A Harrer, JM Dodero, JI Asensio-Pérez, D Burgos
Journal of Universal Computer Science 13 (7), 991-1001, 2007
Software patterns in ITS architectures
V Devedzic, A Harrer
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 15 (2), 63-94, 2005
An interaction-aware design process for the integration of interaction analysis into mainstream CSCL practices
A Martínez-Monés, A Harrer, Y Dimitriadis
Analyzing Interactions in CSCL, 269-291, 2011
Combining social network analysis with semantic relations to support the evolution of a scientific community
A Harrer, N Malzahn, S Zeini, HU Hoppe
Proceedings of the 8th iternational conference on Computer supported …, 2007
Visualizing wiki-supported knowledge building: co-evolution of individual and collective knowledge
A Harrer, J Moskaliuk, J Kimmerle, U Cress
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Wikis, 19, 2008
Cochemex: Supporting conceptual chemistry learning via computer-mediated collaboration scripts
D Tsovaltzi, N Rummel, N Pinkwart, A Harrer, O Scheuer, I Braun, ...
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 437-448, 2008
Bridging the gap-towards a graphical modeling language for learning designs and collaboration scripts of various granularities
A Harrer, N Malzahn
Advanced Learning Technologies, 2006. Sixth International Conference on, 296-300, 2006
Evaluation of communication in web-supported learning communities–an analysis with triangulation research design
A Harrer, S Zeini, N Pinkwart
International Journal of Web Based Communities 2 (4), 428-446, 2006
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