Charles Rocabert
Charles Rocabert
Computational Cell Biology Institute, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf
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Beware batch culture: Seasonality and niche construction predicted to favor bacterial adaptive diversification
C Rocabert, C Knibbe, J Consuegra, D Schneider, G Beslon
PLoS computational biology 13 (3), e1005459, 2017
Phenotypic noise and the cost of complexity
C Rocabert, G Beslon, C Knibbe, S Bernard
Evolution 74 (10), 2221-2237, 2020
Principles of metabolome conservation in animals
O Liska, G Boross, C Rocabert, B Szappanos, R Tengölics, B Papp
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (35), e2302147120, 2023
Towards an Integrated Evolutionary Model to Study Evolution of Evolution
C Rocabert, C Knibbe, G Beslon
EvoEvo Workshop (Satellite workshop of ECAL 2015), 2015
The observed link between urbanization and invasion can depend on how invasion is measured
JMW Gippet, C Rocabert, T Colin, J Grangier, H Tauru, A Dumet, N Mondy, ...
Diversity and Distributions 28 (6), 1171-1179, 2022
Accounting for the topology of road networks to better explain human‐mediated dispersal in terrestrial landscapes
C Rocabert, S Fenet, B Kaufmann, JMW Gippet
Ecography, e07068, 2023
In Silico Experimental Evolution Highlights the Influence of Environmental Seasonality on Bacterial Diversification
C Rocabert, C Knibbe, J Consuegra, D Schneider, G Beslon
2nd EvoEvo Workshop, satellite workshop of CCS2016, 2016
Studying the evolution of bacterial micro-organisms by modeling and numerical simulation approaches
C Rocabert
Université de Lyon, 2017
Étude de L'évolution Des Micro-organismes Bactériens Par Des Approches de Modélisation Et de Simulation Informatique
C Rocabert
MoRIS: Model of Routes of Invasive Spread. Human-mediated dispersal, road network and invasion parameters
J Gippet, S Fenet, A Dumet, B Kaufmann, C Rocabert
5th International Conference on Ecology and Transportation: Integrating …, 2016
Gene expression evolution during adaptation is predicted by stronger genetic selection at more pleiotropic genes in Tribolium castaneum
EL Koch, C Rocabert, C Beeravolu Reddy, F Guillaume
bioRxiv, 2024.07. 22.604294, 2024
Environmental seasonality drives digital populations towards stable cross-feeding
C Rocabert, C Knibbe, J Consuegra, D Schneider, G Beslon
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 368-369, 2017
EvoEvo Deliverable 6.8
G Beslon, J Abernot, SF Elena, D Schneider, P Hogeweg, S Stepney, ...
INRIA Grenoble-Rhône-Alpes, 2016
Modeling and evaluating human-mediated dispersal mechanisms at landscape scale: a study of road network and invasion parameters for Lasius neglectus ants invasive species
J Gippet, C Rocabert, S Fenet, A Dumet, B Kaufmann
World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, 2015
Specifications of the integrated evolutionary model
EE Deliverable
Realistic-network model
EE Deliverable
Specifications of the realistic network model
EE Deliverable
Specifications of the genome-network model
EE Deliverable
Specifications of the population model
EE Deliverable
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Artikel 1–19