Declan McKeefry
Declan McKeefry
Bradford School of Optometry & Vision Sciences
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The position and topography of the human colour centre as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging.
DJ McKeefry, S Zeki
Brain: a journal of neurology 120 (12), 2229-2242, 1997
The activity in human areas V1/V2, V3, and V5 during the perception of coherent and incoherent motion
DJ McKeefry, JDG Watson, RSJ Frackowiak, K Fong, S Zeki
Neuroimage 5 (1), 1-12, 1997
Simple reaction times in color space: the influence of chromaticity, contrast, and cone opponency
DJ McKeefry, NRA Parry, IJ Murray
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 44 (5), 2267-2276, 2003
The functional anatomy of imagining and perceiving colour
RJ Howard, J Barnes, D McKeefry, Y Ha, PW Woodruff, ET Bullmore, ...
Neuroreport 9 (6), 1019-1023, 1998
Induced deficits in speed perception by transcranial magnetic stimulation of human cortical areas V5/MT+ and V3A
DJ McKeefry, MP Burton, C Vakrou, BT Barrett, AB Morland
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (27), 6848-6857, 2008
The neurological basis of conscious color perception in a blind patient
S Zeki, S Aglioti, D McKeefry, G Berlucchi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (24), 14124-14129, 1999
Specialized and independent processing of orientation and shape in visual field maps LO1 and LO2
EH Silson, DJ McKeefry, J Rodgers, AD Gouws, M Hymers, AB Morland
Nature neuroscience 16 (3), 267-269, 2013
Sex-related differences in peripheral human color vision: a color matching study
IJ Murray, NRA Parry, DJ McKeefry, A Panorgias
Journal of vision 12 (1), 18-18, 2012
Amplitude and phase variations of harmonic components in human achromatic and chromatic visual evoked potentials
DJ McKeefry, MHA Russell, IJ Murray, JJ Kulikowski
Visual neuroscience 13 (4), 639-653, 1996
Has a new color area been discovered?
S Zeki, DJ McKeefry, A Bartels, RSJ Frackowiak
Nature neuroscience 1 (5), 335-335, 1998
Emergence of symmetry selectivity in the visual areas of the human brain: fMRI responses to symmetry presented in both frontoparallel and slanted planes
BD Keefe, AD Gouws, AA Sheldon, RJW Vernon, SJD Lawrence, ...
Human Brain Mapping 39 (10), 3813-3826, 2018
Specificity and selectivity of chromatic visual evoked potentials
JJ Kulikowski, AG Robson, DJ McKEEFRY
Vision Research 36 (21), 3397-3401, 1996
Speed selectivity in visual short term memory for motion
DJ McKeefry, MP Burton, C Vakrou
Vision research 47 (18), 2418-2425, 2007
The retention and disruption of color information in human short-term visual memory
VA Nemes, NRA Parry, D Whitaker, DJ McKeefry
Journal of Vision 12 (1), 26-26, 2012
Red–green and blue–yellow mechanisms are matched in sensitivity for temporal and spatial modulation
DJ McKeefry, IJ Murray, JJ Kulikowski
Vision research 41 (2), 245-255, 2001
Biallelic mutations in the autophagy regulator DRAM2 cause retinal dystrophy with early macular involvement
ME El-Asrag, PI Sergouniotis, M McKibbin, V Plagnol, E Sheridan, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 96 (6), 948-954, 2015
Perceived shifts in saturation and hue of chromatic stimuli in the near peripheral retina
DJ McKeefry, IJ Murray, NRA Parry
JOSA A 24 (10), 3168-3179, 2007
Variant and invariant color perception in the near peripheral retina
NRA Parry, DJ McKeefry, IJ Murray
JOSA A 23 (7), 1586-1597, 2006
Functional evidence for cone‐specific connectivity in the human retina
C Vakrou, D Whitaker, PV McGraw, D McKeefry
The Journal of Physiology 566 (1), 93-102, 2005
The noninvasive dissection of the human visual cortex: using FMRI and TMS to study the organization of the visual brain
DJ McKeefry, A Gouws, MP Burton, AB Morland
The Neuroscientist 15 (5), 489-506, 2009
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