David Elliman
David Elliman
Senior Engineer, Montvieux Ltd
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An analysis of patterns of debugging among novice computer science students
M Ahmadzadeh, D Elliman, C Higgins
Proceedings of the 10th annual SIGCSE conference on Innovation and …, 2005
Examination timetabling in British universities: A survey
E Burke, D Elliman, P Ford, R Weare
Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling: First International Conference …, 1996
A data base for Arabic handwritten text recognition research
S Al-Ma'adeed, D Elliman, CA Higgins
Proceedings eighth international workshop on frontiers in handwriting …, 2002
A university timetabling system based on graph colouring and constraint manipulation
EK Burke, DG Elliman, R Weare
Journal of research on computing in education 27 (1), 1-18, 1994
A hybrid genetic algorithm for highly constrained timetabling problems
R Weare, E Burke, D Elliman
Department of Computer Science, 1995
A review of segmentation and contextual analysis techniques for text recognition
DG Elliman, IT Lancaster
Pattern Recognition 23 (3-4), 337-346, 1990
A genetic algorithm based university timetabling system
EK Burke, D Elliman, R Weare
Proceedings of the 2nd east-west international conference on computer …, 1994
Techniques for modeling human performance in synthetic environments: A supplementary review
FE Ritter, NR Shadbolt, D Elliman, RM Young, F Gobet, GD Baxter
Human Systems Information Analysis Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base …, 2003
Ontology languages for the semantic web: A never completely updated review
JRG Pulido, MAG Ruiz, R Herrera, E Cabello, S Legrand, D Elliman
Knowledge-Based Systems 19 (7), 489-497, 2006
Off-line recognition of handwritten Arabic words using multiple hidden Markov models
S Alma’adeed, C Higgins, D Elliman
International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of …, 2003
Recognition of off-line handwritten Arabic words using hidden Markov model approach
S Alma'adeed, C Higgens, D Elliman
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 3, 481-484, 2002
A genetic algorithm for university timetabling
EK Burke, DG Elliman, RF Weare
AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing, Leeds, 1994
Specialised recombinative operators for timetabling problems
E Burke, D Elliman, R Weare
AISB Workshop on Evolutionary Computing, 75-85, 1995
Training genetically evolving cellular automata for image processing
P Sahota, MF Daemi, DG Elliman
Proceedings of ICSIPNN'94. International Conference on Speech, Image …, 1994
Tif2vec, an algorithm for arc segmentation in engineering drawings
D Elliman
Graphics Recognition Algorithms and Applications: 4th International Workshop …, 2002
The automation of the timetabling process in higher education
EK Burke, DG Elliman, RF Weare
Journal of Educational Technology Systems 23 (4), 353-362, 1995
A general framework for the evaluation of symbol recognition methods
E Valveny, P Dosch, A Winstanley, Y Zhou, S Yang, L Yan, L Wenyin, ...
International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 9, 59-74, 2007
Near-duplicate image recognition and content-based image retrieval using adaptive hierarchical geometric centroids
M Yang, G Qiu, J Huang, D Elliman
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 958-961, 2006
Automated scheduling of university exams
EK Burke, DG Elliman, R Weare
IEE Colloquium on Resource Scheduling for Large Scale Planning Systems, 3/1-3/4, 1993
Automatic derivation of on-line document ontologies
D Elliman, JRG Pulido
International Workshop on Mechanisms for Enterprise Integration: From …, 2001
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