Fred Douglis
Fred Douglis
Peraton Labs
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The Sprite network operating system
JK Ousterhout, AR Cherenson, F Douglis, MN Nelson, BB Welch
Computer 21 (2), 23-36, 1988
Process migration
DS Milojičić, F Douglis, Y Paindaveine, R Wheeler, S Zhou
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 32 (3), 241-299, 2000
Transparent process migration: Design alternatives and the Sprite implementation
F Douglis, J Ousterhout
Software: Practice and Experience 21 (8), 757-785, 1991
Potential benefits of delta encoding and data compression for HTTP
JC Mogul, F Douglis, A Feldmann, B Krishnamurthy
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM'97 conference on Applications, technologies …, 1997
Beating the I/O bottleneck: A case for log-structured file systems
J Ousterhout, F Douglis
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review 23 (1), 11-28, 1989
Rate of change and other metrics: a live study of the world wide web
F Douglis, A Feldmann, B Krishnamurthy, J Mogul
USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems (USITS 97), 1997
Adaptive disk spin-down policies for mobile computers
F Douglis, P Krishnan, B Bershad
Computing Systems 8 (4), 381-413, 1995
Method and apparatus for tracking and viewing changes on the web
TJ Ball, F Douglis
US Patent 6,366,933, 2002
Method and apparatus for content distribution network brokering and peering
A Biliris, CD Cranor, F Douglis, C Nelson, M Rabinovich, S Sibal, ...
US Patent 7,562,153, 2009
{IoTPOT}: analysing the rise of {IoT} compromises
YMP Pa, S Suzuki, K Yoshioka, T Matsumoto, T Kasama, C Rossow
9th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 15), 2015
Redundancy elimination within large collections of files.
P Kulkarni, F Douglis, JD LaVoie, JM Tracey
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 59-72, 2004
Storage alternatives for mobile computers
F Douglis, R Caceres, MF Kaashoek, P Krishnan, K Li, B Marsh, J Tauber
Mobile Computing, 473-505, 1996
Thwarting the Power-Hungry Disk.
F Douglis, P Krishnan, B Marsh
USENIX Winter 292, 306, 1994
Performance of web proxy caching in heterogeneous bandwidth environments
A Feldmann, R Caceres, F Douglis, G Glass, M Rabinovich
IEEE INFOCOM'99. Conference on Computer Communications. Proceedings …, 1999
A Comprehensive Study of the Past, Present, and Future of Data Deduplication
W Xia, H Jiang, D Feng, F Douglis, P Shilane, Y Hua, M Fu, Y Zhang, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2016
Characteristics of backup workloads in production systems.
G Wallace, F Douglis, H Qian, P Shilane, S Smaldone, M Chamness, ...
FAST 12, 4-4, 2012
Application-specific Delta-encoding via Resemblance Detection.
F Douglis, A Iyengar
USENIX annual technical conference, general track, 113-126, 2003
Web proxy caching: The devil is in the details
R Caceres, F Douglis, A Feldmann, G Glass, M Rabinovich
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 26 (3), 11-15, 1998
Mobility: processes, computers, and agents
D Milojičić, F Douglis, R Wheeler
ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999
Unified web hosting and content distribution system and method for assuring predetermined performance levels
F Douglis, DH Shur, JM Sommer, JE Van der Merwe
US Patent 7,657,622, 2010
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