Michael G Watson
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Dynamics of Angiogenesis During Wound Healing: A Coupled In Vivo and In Silico Study
MJC Machado, MG Watson, AH Devlin, MAJ Chaplain, SR McDougall, ...
Microcirculation 18 (3), 183-197, 2011
A hybrid discrete-continuum mathematical model of pattern prediction in the developing retinal vasculature
SR McDougall, MG Watson, AH Devlin, CA Mitchell, MAJ Chaplain
Bulletin of mathematical biology 74 (10), 2272-2314, 2012
Dynamics of angiogenesis during murine retinal development: a coupled in vivo and in silico study
MG Watson, SR McDougall, MAJ Chaplain, AH Devlin, CA Mitchell
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9 (74), 2351-2364, 2012
A two-phase model of early fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis
MG Watson, HM Byrne, C Macaskill, MR Myerscough
Journal of Theoretical Biology 456, 123-136, 2018
Pore network modelling of low salinity water injection under unsteady-state flow conditions
A Boujelben, S McDougall, M Watson, I Bondino, N Agenet
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 165, 462-476, 2018
Multimodality imaging and mathematical modelling of drug delivery to glioblastomas
A Boujelben, M Watson, S McDougall, YF Yen, ER Gerstner, C Catana, ...
Interface Focus 6 (5), 20160039, 2016
A pore-scale investigation of low-salinity waterflooding in porous media: Uniformly wetted systems
MG Watson, I Bondino, G Hamon, SR McDougall
Transport in Porous Media 118, 201-223, 2017
A multiphase model of growth factor-regulated atherosclerotic cap formation
MG Watson, HM Byrne, C Macaskill, MR Myerscough
Journal of Mathematical Biology 81 (2), 725-767, 2020
A lipid-structured model of atherosclerotic plaque macrophages with lipid-dependent kinetics
MG Watson, KL Chambers, MR Myerscough
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 85 (9), 85, 2023
A lipid-structured model of atherosclerosis with macrophage proliferation
KL Chambers, MG Watson, MR Myerscough
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 (8), 104, 2024
A mechanistic pore-scale analysis of the low-salinity effect in heterogeneously wetted porous media
MG Watson, SR McDougall
Transport in Porous Media 135 (3), 587-617, 2020
Blood lipoproteins shape the phenotype and lipid content of early atherosclerotic lesion macrophages: a dual-structured mathematical model
KL Chambers, MR Myerscough, MG Watson, HM Byrne
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86 (9), 112, 2024
Connexins: A novel target for wound healing
F Roberts, M Al-Husari, U George, K Giorgakoudi, J Caffrey, A Shabala, ...
A mathematical model for smooth muscle cell phenotype switching in atherosclerotic plaque
JP Ndenda, MG Watson, A Misra, MR Myerscough
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.06170, 2024
Mathematical modelling of smooth muscle cell migration reveals mechanisms of early fibrous cap formation in atherosclerosis
MG Watson, HM Byrne, C Macaskill, MR Myerscough
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy 33 (2), 2019
A combined mathematical and experimental approach predicts the influence of Connexin43 on cell migration events
C Lorraine, M Watson, SR Johnstone, C Wright, P Martin, S McDougall
Proceedings of the International Gap Junction Conference, 125, 2013
Cell migration and capillary plexus formation in wounds and retinae
MG Watson
Institute of Petroleum Engineering, 2012
A discrete point mathematical model for the role of connexins in cell migration events
P Martin, C Wright, S Webb, M Watson, S McDougall
Modeling the impact of fibroblast migration and collagen alignment during dermal wound healing
SR McDougall, M Watson, M Chaplain
SMB-CSMB Joint Conference 2009, 2009
Would healing in the murine panniculus carnosus: mathematical modeling and numerical simulation
M Watson, SR McDougall, M Chaplain
SMB-CSMB Joint Conference 2009, 2009
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