Ming Wu
Ming Wu
Research Scientist of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
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A cable-driven locomotor training system for restoration of gait in human SCI
M Wu, TG Hornby, JM Landry, H Roth, BD Schmit
Gait & posture 33 (2), 256-260, 2011
Robotic resistance treadmill training improves locomotor function in human spinal cord injury: a pilot study
M Wu, JM Landry, BD Schmit, TG Hornby, SC Yen
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 93 (5), 782-789, 2012
Locomotor adaptation to resistance during treadmill training transfers to overground walking in human SCI
SC Yen, BD Schmit, JM Landry, H Roth, M Wu
Experimental brain research 216, 473-482, 2012
Using swing resistance and assistance to improve gait symmetry in individuals post-stroke
SC Yen, BD Schmit, M Wu
Human movement science 42, 212-224, 2015
Robotic resistance/assistance training improves locomotor function in individuals poststroke: a randomized controlled study
M Wu, JM Landry, J Kim, BD Schmit, SC Yen, J MacDonald
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 95 (5), 799-806, 2014
Robotic resistance treadmill training improves locomotor function in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled pilot study
M Wu, J Kim, DJ Gaebler-Spira, BD Schmit, P Arora
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 98 (11), 2126-2133, 2017
Temporal facilitation of spastic stretch reflexes following human spinal cord injury
TG Hornby, JH Kahn, M Wu, BD Schmit
The Journal of physiology 571 (3), 593-604, 2006
Minimal step length necessary for recovery of forward balance loss with a single step
M Wu, L Ji, D Jin, Y Pai
Journal of biomechanics 40 (7), 1559-1566, 2007
Effects of the integration of dynamic weight shifting training into treadmill training on walking function of children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled study
M Wu, J Kim, P Arora, DJ Gaebler-Spira, Y Zhang
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 96 (11), 765-772, 2017
Ankle load modulates hip kinetics and EMG during human locomotion
KE Gordon, M Wu, JH Kahn, YY Dhaher, BD Schmit
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (4), 2062-2076, 2009
Extensor spasms triggered by imposed knee extension in chronic human spinal cord injury
M Wu, TG Hornby, J Hilb, BD Schmit
Experimental brain research 162, 239-249, 2005
Treadmill training device adapted to provide targeted resistance to leg movement
M Wu, BD Schmit, TG Hornby
US Patent 9,713,439, 2017
Augmented multisensory feedback enhances locomotor adaptation in humans with incomplete spinal cord injury
SC Yen, JM Landry, M Wu
Human movement science 35, 80-93, 2014
Applying a pelvic corrective force induces forced use of the paretic leg and improves paretic leg EMG activities of individuals post-stroke during treadmill walking
CJ Hsu, J Kim, R Tang, EJ Roth, WZ Rymer, M Wu
Clinical neurophysiology 128 (10), 1915-1922, 2017
Feedback and feedforward locomotor adaptations to ankle-foot load in people with incomplete spinal cord injury
KE Gordon, M Wu, JH Kahn, BD Schmit
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (3), 1325-1338, 2010
Spastic reflexes triggered by ankle load release in human spinal cord injury
M Wu, BD Schmit
Journal of neurophysiology 96 (6), 2941-2950, 2006
Forced use of the paretic leg induced by a constraint force applied to the nonparetic leg in individuals poststroke during walking
CJ Hsu, J Kim, EJ Roth, WZ Rymer, M Wu
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 31 (12), 1042-1052, 2017
The reaction strategy of lower extremity muscles when slips occur to individuals with trans-femoral amputation
J Yang, D Jin, L Ji, R Wang, J Zhang, X Fang, D Zhou, M Wu
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 17 (2), 228-240, 2007
Serum myoglobin modulates kidney injury via inducing ferroptosis after exertional heatstroke
Y Luan, E Huang, J Huang, Z Yang, Z Zhou, Y Liu, C Wang, M Wu
Journal of translational internal medicine 11 (2), 178-188, 2023
Facilitating weight shifting during treadmill training improves walking function in humans with spinal cord injury: a randomized controlled pilot study
M Wu, J Kim, F Wei
American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 97 (8), 585-592, 2018
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