Shikhar Sharma
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Action Recognition using Visual Attention
S Sharma, R Kiros, R Salakhutdinov
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop, 2016
Frames: A Corpus for Adding Memory to Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems
L El Asri, H Schulz, S Sharma, J Zumer, J Harris, E Fine, R Mehrotra, ...
Proceedings of the 18th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue …, 2017
Relevance of Unsupervised Metrics in Task-Oriented Dialogue for Evaluating Natural Language Generation
S Sharma, L El Asri, H Schulz, J Zumer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.09799, 2017
Tell, Draw, and Repeat: Generating and modifying images based on continual linguistic instruction
A El-Nouby, S Sharma, H Schulz, D Hjelm, LE Asri, SE Kahou, Y Bengio, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2019
Learning preferences for manipulation tasks from online coactive feedback
A Jain, S Sharma, T Joachims, A Saxena
The International Journal of Robotics Research 34 (10), 1296-1313, 2015
Object-Centric Image Generation from Layouts
T Sylvain, P Zhang, Y Bengio, RD Hjelm, S Sharma
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 35, 2020
ChatPainter: Improving Text to Image Generation using Dialogue
S Sharma, D Suhubdy, V Michalski, S Ebrahimi Kahou, Y Bengio
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop, 2018
Multi-Domain Task-Completion Dialog Challenge
S Lee, H Schulz, A Atkinson, J Gao, K Suleman, L El Asri, M Adada, ...
Dialog System Technology Challenges 8, 2019
From FiLM to Video: Multi-turn Question Answering with Multi-modal Context
DT Nguyen, S Sharma, H Schulz, L El Asri
AAAI Dialog System Technology Challenge (DSTC7) Workshop, 2019
A Frame Tracking Model for Memory-Enhanced Dialogue Systems
H Schulz, J Zumer, L El Asri, S Sharma
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP, 219-227, 2017
Natural Language Generation in Dialogue using Lexicalized and Delexicalized Data
S Sharma, J He, K Suleman, H Schulz, P Bachman
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Workshop, 2017
MS-nowcasting: Operational Precipitation Nowcasting with Convolutional LSTMs at Microsoft Weather
S Klocek, H Dong, M Dixon, P Kanengoni, N Kazmi, P Luferenko, Z Lv, ...
NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, 2021
Dead-ends and Secure Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
M Fatemi, S Sharma, H van Seijen, S Ebrahimi Kahou
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning 97 …, 2019
Natural language generation in a spoken dialogue system
S Sharma, J He, K Suleman, P Bachman, H Schulz
US Patent 10,242,667, 2019
Beyond Geometric Path Planning: Learning Context-Driven Trajectory Preferences via Sub-optimal Feedback
A Jain, S Sharma, A Saxena
Robotics Research: The 16th International Symposium ISRR, 319-338, 2016
Simultaneous dialogue state management using frame tracking
J Harris, L El Asri, F Emery, R Mehrotra, H Schulz, S Sharma, J Zumer
US Patent 10,431,202, 2019
MetaLWOz: A Dataset of Multi-Domain Dialogues for the Fast Adaptation of Conversation Models
H Schulz, A Atkinson, M Adada, K Suleman, S Sharma
Microsoft Research, 2019
Action Recognition and Video Description using Visual Attention
S Sharma
University of Toronto, 2016
The Storytelling Panda
A Sharma, S Sharma
Encyclopedic Knowledge Picture Book: The Basics
A Sharma, S Sharma
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