Mohd Roslan Mohd Nor
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Zitiert von
Measuring religiosity and its effects on personal well-being: a case study of Muslim female academicians in Malaysia
M Achour, F Grine, MR Mohd Nor, MYZ MohdYusoff
Journal of religion and health 54, 984-997, 2015
Revisiting Islamic education: the case of Indonesia
M Roslan Mohd Nor, M Malim
Journal for Multicultural Education 8 (4), 261-276, 2014
An Islamic perspective on coping with life stressors
M Achour, B Bensaid, MRBM Nor
Applied Research in Quality of Life 11, 663-685, 2016
Traditional islamic education in asia and africa: A comparative study of malaysia’s pondok, indonesia’s pesantren and nigeria’s traditional madrasah
R Hashim, SA Rufai, MRM Nor
World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization 1 (2), 94-107, 2011
Job stress and nurses well-being: Prayer and age as moderators
M Achour, I Binti Abdul Ghani Azmi, M Bin Isahak, MR Mohd Nor, ...
Community mental health journal 55, 1226-1235, 2019
Sejarah dan perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Malaysia
At-Ta'dib 6 (1), 2011
Effective techniques of memorizing the Quran: a study a Madrasah Tahfiz Al-quran, Terengganu, Malaysia
S Ariffin, S Amir, M Abdullah, I Suliaman, K Ahmad, F Deraman, ...
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (1), 45-48, 2013
Management and supervisory support as a moderator of work–family demands and women’s well-being: A case study of Muslim female academicians in Malaysia
M Achour, S Binti Abdul Khalil, B Binti Ahmad, MR Mohd Nor, ...
Humanomics 33 (3), 335-356, 2017
Religious tolerance in Malaysia: An overview
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 9 (1), 23-27, 2011
Islamic personal religiosity as a moderator of job strain and employee’s well-being: The case of Malaysian academic and administrative staff
M Achour, MR Mohd Nor, MYZ MohdYusoff
Journal of Religion and Health 55, 1300-1311, 2016
The effects of social support and resilience on life satisfaction of secondary school students
M Achour, MRM Nor
Journal of academic and applied studies 4 (1), 12-20, 2014
Ethico-spiritual dimensions of charity: An Islamic perspective
B Bensaid, F Grine, MRM Nor, MYZ MohdYusoff
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (13), 2, 2013
Religious commitment and its relation to happiness among Muslim students: The educational level as moderator
M Achour, MR Mohd Nor, B Amel, HM Bin Seman, MYZ MohdYusoff
Journal of religion and health 56, 1870-1889, 2017
Ibn Khaldun’s Theory of ‘Asabiyyah and its application in modern Muslim society
AA Halim, MR Nor, AZ Hamid
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (9), 1232-1237, 2012
The right of women in property sharing in Bangladesh: Can the islamic inheritance system eliminate discrimination?
I Khan, MF Abdullah, NNA Rahman, MRBM Nor, MYZBM Yusoff
SpringerPlus 5, 1-8, 2016
Prayer moderating job stress among Muslim nursing staff at the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
M Achour, A Muhamad, AH Syihab, MR Mohd Nor, MYZ Mohd Yusoff
Journal of religion and health 60, 202-220, 2021
Exploring muhammadiyah’s historical civilizational dimension of social reconstruction in Indonesia: Humanitarian and cosmopolitan approaches
A Khoirudin, Z Baidhawy, MRM Nor
Journal of Al-Tamaddun 15 (1), 183-197, 2020
Analysing the conceptual framework of religious freedom and interreligious relationship in Islam
MRM Nor, I Khan, M Elius
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies 8 (2), 309-334, 2018
A critical appraisal of interreligious dialogue in Islam
I Khan, M Elius, MR Mohd Nor, M Yakub zulkifli Bin Mohd yusoff, ...
Sage Open 10 (4), 2158244020970560, 2020
Critical success factors of halal supply chain management from the perspective of malaysian halal food manufacturers
MRM Nor, K Latif, MN Ismail, MNM Nor
Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review 62 …, 2016
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