Jae Kun Shim
Jae Kun Shim
Professor of Kinesiology, Bioengineering, Neuroscience, University of Maryland
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Evaluation of a lower-body compression garment
B DOAN, YH Kwon, R NEWTON, J Shim, EVA Popper, R ROGERS, ...
Journal of sports sciences 21 (8), 601-610, 2003
Determination of functional strength imbalance of the lower extremities
RU Newton, A Gerber, S Nimphius, JK Shim, BK Doan, M Robertson, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 20 (4), 971-977, 2006
The emergence and disappearance of multi-digit synergies during force-production tasks
JK Shim, H Olafsdottir, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental Brain Research 164, 260-270, 2005
Age-related changes in finger coordination in static prehension tasks
JK Shim, BS Lay, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Journal of Applied Physiology 97 (1), 213-224, 2004
A central back-coupling hypothesis on the organization of motor synergies: a physical metaphor and a neural model
ML Latash, JK Shim, AV Smilga, VM Zatsiorsky
Biological cybernetics 92, 186-191, 2005
Physiological determinants of the candidate physical ability test in firefighters
AK Sheaff, A Bennett, ED Hanson, YS Kim, J Hsu, JK Shim, ST Edwards, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 24 (11), 3112-3122, 2010
Prehension synergies: trial-to-trial variability and hierarchical organization of stable performance
JK Shim, ML Latash, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 152, 173-184, 2003
Amputee locomotion: Spring-like leg behavior and stiffness regulation using running-specific prostheses
H Hobara, BS Baum, HJ Kwon, RH Miller, T Ogata, YH Kim, JK Shim
Journal of biomechanics 46 (14), 2483-2489, 2013
Prehension synergies in three dimensions
JK Shim, ML Latash, VM Zatsiorsky
Journal of neurophysiology 93 (2), 766-776, 2005
Anticipatory adjustments of multi-finger synergies in preparation for self-triggered perturbations
SW Kim, JK Shim, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 174, 604-612, 2006
Prehension synergies: trial-to-trial variability and principle of superposition during static prehension in three dimensions
JK Shim, ML Latash, VM Zatsiorsky
Journal of neurophysiology 93 (6), 3649-3658, 2005
The principle of superposition in human prehension
VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash, F Gao, JK Shim
Robotica 22 (2), 231-234, 2004
Effects of aquatic backward locomotion exercise and progressive resistance exercise on lumbar extension strength in patients who have undergone lumbar diskectomy
YS Kim, J Park, JK Shim
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 91 (2), 208-214, 2010
A Second Photochromic Bacteriophytochrome from Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803:  Spectral Analysis and Down-Regulation by Light
CM Park, JI Kim, SS Yang, JG Kang, JH Kang, JY Shim, YH Chung, ...
Biochemistry 39 (35), 10840-10847, 2000
Chromophore−Apoprotein Interactions in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 Phytochrome Cph1
CM Park, JY Shim, SS Yang, JG Kang, JI Kim, Z Luka, PS Song
Biochemistry 39 (21), 6349-6356, 2000
Amputee locomotion: lower extremity loading using running-specific prostheses
H Hobara, BS Baum, HJ Kwon, A Linberg, EJ Wolf, RH Miller, JK Shim
Gait & posture 39 (1), 386-390, 2014
Adjustments of prehension synergies in response to self-triggered and experimenter-triggered load and torque perturbations
JK Shim, J Park, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 175, 641-653, 2006
Effect of expertise on 3D force application during the starting block phase and subsequent steps in sprint running
M Otsuka, JK Shim, T Kurihara, S Yoshioka, M Nokata, T Isaka
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 30 (3), 390-400, 2014
Hand digit control in children: age-related changes in hand digit force interactions during maximum flexion and extension force production tasks
JK Shim, MA Oliveira, J Hsu, J Huang, J Park, JE Clark
Experimental brain research 176, 374-386, 2007
Motor variability within a multi-effector system: experimental and analytical studies of multi-finger production of quick force pulses
SR Goodman, JK Shim, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Experimental Brain Research 163, 75-85, 2005
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