Yuji Ito
Yuji Ito
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Robust slippage degree estimation based on reference update of vision-based tactile sensor
Y Ito, Y Kim, G Obinata
IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (9), 2037-2047, 2011
Coordination of connected vehicles on merging roads using pseudo-perturbation-based broadcast control
Y Ito, MAS Kamal, T Yoshimura, S Azuma
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (9), 3496-3512, 2018
Contact region estimation based on a vision-based tactile sensor using a deformable touchpad
Y Ito, Y Kim, G Obinata
Sensors 14 (4), 5805-5822, 2014
Vision-based tactile sensing and shape estimation using a fluid-type touchpad
Y Ito, Y Kim, C Nagai, G Obinata
IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 9 (4), 734-744, 2012
Optimal transport-based coverage control for swarm robot systems: Generalization of the voronoi tessellation-based method
D Inoue, Y Ito, H Yoshida
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (4), 1483-1488, 2020
Pseudo-perturbation-based broadcast control of multi-agent systems
Y Ito, MAS Kamal, T Yoshimura, S Azuma
Automatica 113, 108769, 2020
Contact state estimation by vision-based tactile sensors for dexterous manipulation with robot hands based on shape-sensing
Y Ito, Y Kim, C Nagai, G Obinata
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 8 (4), 54, 2011
Slippage degree estimation for dexterous handling of vision-based tactile sensor
Y Ito, YW Kim, G Obinata
SENSORS, 2009 IEEE, 449-452, 2009
Kernel-based Hamilton–Jacobi equations for data-driven optimal and H-infinity control
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro
IEEE Access 8, 131047-131062, 2020
Shape sensing by vision-based tactile sensor for dexterous handling of robot hands
Y Ito, Y Kim, C Nagai, G Obinata
2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2010
Stochastic optimal control to minimize the impact of manufacturing variations on nanomechanical systems
Y Ito, K Funayama, J Hirotani, Y Ohno, Y Tadokoro
IEEE Access 7, 171195-171205, 2019
Risk-sensitive linear control for systems with stochastic parameters
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro, T Yoshimura
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (4), 1328-1343, 2018
Slippage degree estimation by using vision-based tactile sensor for dexterous handling
Y Ito, YW Kim, G Obinata
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 42 (16), 281-286, 2009
Multi-vehicle coordination on merging roads based on pseudo-perturbation-based broadcast control
Y Ito, MAS Kamal, T Yoshimura, SI Azuma
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 4008-4013, 2018
On stabilizing control of gaussian processes for unknown nonlinear systems
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro, T Yoshimura
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 15385-15390, 2017
Acquisition of contact force and slippage using a vision-based tactile sensor with a fluid-type touchpad for the dexterous handling of robots
Y Ito, Y Kim, G Obinata
Adv Robot Autom 3 (116), 2, 2014
Multi-axis force measurement based on vision-based fluid-type hemispherical tactile sensor
Y Ito, Y Kim, G Obinata
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
On stochastic optimal control for linear systems with robust stability
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro, T Yoshimura
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5390-5395, 2016
On linear solutions to a class of risk sensitive control for linear systems with stochastic parameters: Infinite time horizon case
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro, T Yoshimura
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 6580-6585, 2016
On linear solutions to a class of risk sensitive control for linear systems with stochastic parameters
Y Ito, K Fujimoto, Y Tadokoro, T Yoshimura
2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 6516-6523, 2015
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