Jason Blough
Jason Blough
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan Technological University
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Analysis of combustion knock metrics in spark-ignition engines
JD Naber, JR Blough, D Frankowski, M Goble, JE Szpytman
SAE Transactions, 223-243, 2006
Theoretical foundations for high performance order tracking with the Vold-Kalman tracking filter
H Vold, M Mains, J Blough
SAE transactions, 3046-3050, 1997
The time variant discrete Fourier transform as an order tracking method
JR Blough, DL Brown, H Vold
SAE transactions, 3037-3045, 1997
A survey of DSP methods for rotating machinery analysis, what is needed, what is available
JR Blough
Journal of sound and vibration 262 (3), 707-720, 2003
Accelerometer based sensing of combustion in a high speed HPCR diesel engine
CJ Polonowski, VK Mathur, JD Naber, JR Blough
SAE Transactions, 592-607, 2007
Improving the analysis of operating data on rotating automotive components
JR Blough
University of Cincinnati, 1998
Development and analysis of time variant discrete Fourier transform order tracking
JR Blough
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 17 (6), 1185-1199, 2003
Source identification using acoustic array techniques
S Dumbacher, J Blough, D Hallman, P Wang
SAE Technical Paper, 1995
Application of the ISO 13472-1 in situ technique for measuring the acoustic absorption coefficient of grass and artificial turf surfaces
N Londhe, MD Rao, JR Blough
Applied Acoustics 70 (1), 129-141, 2009
Experimental investigation of cavitation signatures in an automotive torque converter using a microwave telemetry technique
CL Anderson, L Zeng, PO Sweger, A Narain, JR Blough
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 9 (6), 403-410, 2003
The effects of different input excitation on the dynamic characterization of an automotive shock absorber
D Kowalski, MD Rao, J Blough, S Gruenberg, D Griffiths
SAE transactions, 1609-1619, 2001
Predicting the Onset of Cavitation in Automotive Torque Converters--Part II: A Generalized Model
DL Robinette, JM Schweitzer, DG Maddock, CL Anderson, JR Blough, ...
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 2008, 2008
Theoretical foundations for high performance order tracking with the Vold-Kalman filter
H Vold, M Mains, JR Blough
Proceedings of Society of Automotive Engineers 1997 Noise and Vibration …, 1997
Impingement identification in a high speed diesel engine using piston surface temperature measurements
SA Miers, CL Anderson, JR Blough, MK Inal
SAE transactions, 845-851, 2005
Road noise TPA simplification for improving vehicle sensitivity to tire cavity resonance using helium gas
AS Waisanen, JR Blough
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Dynamic testing of shock absorbers under non-sinusoidal conditions
D Kowalski, MD Rao, J Blough, S Gruenberg
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2002
Signal processing parameters for estimation of the diesel engine combustion signature
AJ Morello, JR Blough, J Naber, L Jia
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems 4 (2011-01 …, 2011
Review of sensing methodologies for estimation of combustion metrics
L Jia, JD Naber, JR Blough
Journal of Combustion 2016 (1), 8593523, 2016
Cavitation detection in automotive torque converters using nearfield acoustical measurements
D Kowalski, C Anderson, J Blough
SAE transactions, 2796-2804, 2005
Accelerometer-based combustion metrics reconstruction with radial basis function neural network for a 9 L diesel engine
L Jia, J Naber, J Blough, S Alireza Zekavat
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 136 (3), 031507, 2014
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