Daniel Vogler
Daniel Vogler
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
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Permeability evolution in natural fractures subject to cyclic loading and gouge formation
D Vogler, F Amann, P Bayer, D Elsworth
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 3463-3479, 2016
Experiments and Simulations of Fully Hydro‐Mechanically coupled Response of Rough Fractures exposed to High Pressure Fluid Injection
D Vogler, RR Settgast, C Annavarapu, C Madonna, P Bayer, F Amann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, 2018
A comparison of tensile failure in 3D-printed and natural sandstone
D Vogler, SDC Walsh, E Dombrovski, MA Perras
Engineering Geology 226, 221 - 235, 2017
Simulating electropulse fracture of granitic rock
SDC Walsh, D Vogler
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 128, 104238, 2020
Numerical simulations and validation of contact mechanics in a granodiorite fracture
T Kling, D Vogler, L Pastewka, F Amann, P Blum
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 2805-2824, 2018
Heat depletion in sedimentary basins and its effect on the design and electric power output of CO2 Plume Geothermal (CPG) systems
BM Adams, D Vogler, TH Kuehn, JM Bielicki, N Garapati, MO Saar
Renewable Energy 172, 1393-1403, 2021
On the direct measurement of shear moduli in transversely isotropic rocks using the uniaxial compression test
MLT Dambly, M Nejati, D Vogler, MO Saar
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 113, 220-240, 2019
Comparison of Surface Properties in Natural and Artificially Generated Fractures in a Crystalline Rock
D Vogler, SDC Walsh, P Bayer, F Amann
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 50 (11), 2891–2909, 2017
3D non-conforming mesh model for flow in fractured porous media using Lagrange multipliers
P Schädle, P Zulian, D Vogler, SR Bhopalam, MGC Nestola, A Ebigbo, ...
Computers & Geosciences 132, 42-55, 2019
Compressive and tensile behavior of 3D-printed and natural sandstones
MA Perras, D Vogler
Transport in Porous Media 129 (2), 559-581, 2019
A numerical investigation into key factors controlling hard rock excavation via electropulse stimulation
D Vogler, SDC Walsh, MO Saar
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 12 (4), 793-801, 2020
Thermally driven fracture aperture variation in naturally fractured granites
MG Lima, D Vogler, L Querci, C Madonna, B Hattendorf, MO Saar, ...
Geothermal Energy 7, 1-28, 2019
Permeability Impairment and Salt Precipitation Patterns During CO2 Injection Into Single Natural Brine‐Filled Fractures
M Grimm Lima, P Schädle, CP Green, D Vogler, MO Saar, XZ Kong
Water Resources Research 56 (8), e2020WR027213, 2020
Simulation of rock failure modes in thermal spallation drilling
D Vogler, SDC Walsh, PR von Rohr, MO Saar
Acta Geotechnica 15, 2327-2340, 2020
Permeability evolution during pressure-controlled shear slip in saw-cut and natural granite fractures
Z Li, X Ma, XZ Kong, MO Saar, D Vogler
Rock Mechanics Bulletin 2 (2), 100027, 2023
No‐Flow Fraction (NFF) permeability model for rough fractures under normal stress
H Javanmard, A Ebigbo, SDC Walsh, MO Saar, D Vogler
Water Resources Research 57 (3), e2020WR029080, 2021
Verification of coupled hydraulic fracturing simulators using laboratory-scale experiments
P Deb, S Salimzadeh, D Vogler, S Düber, C Clauser, RR Settgast
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 2881-2902, 2021
Advanced drilling technologies to improve the economics of deep geo-resource utilization
E Rossi, B Adams, D Vogler, P Rudolf von Rohr, B Kammermann, ...
2nd Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+ B (MITAB 2020)(virtual), 148, 2020
Simulating Plasma formation in pores under short electric pulses for Plasma pulse Geo drilling (PPGD)
M Ezzat, D Vogler, MO Saar, BM Adams
Energies 14 (16), 4717, 2021
Estimating fluid flow rates through fracture networks using combinatorial optimization
A Hobé, D Vogler, MP Seybold, A Ebigbo, RR Settgast, MO Saar
Advances in Water Resources 122, 85-97, 2018
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