Peter M. Brown
Peter M. Brown
Director of Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research, Fort Collins CO
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Historical and modern disturbance regimes, stand structures, and landscape dynamics in pinon-juniper vegetation of the western United States
WH Romme, CD Allen, JD Bailey, WL Baker, BT Bestelmeyer, PM Brown, ...
Rangeland Ecology & Management 62 (3), 203-222, 2009
Contingent Pacific–Atlantic Ocean influence on multicentury wildfire synchrony over western North America
T Kitzberger, PM Brown, EK Heyerdahl, TW Swetnam, TT Veblen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (2), 543, 2007
Climate and disturbance forcing of episodic tree recruitment in a southwestern ponderosa pine landscape
PM Brown, R Wu
Ecology 86 (11), 3030-3038, 2005
Long-term, landscape patterns of past fire events in a montane ponderosa pine forest of central Colorado
PM Brown, MR Kaufmann, WD Shepperd
Landscape ecology 14 (6), 513-532, 1999
The role of climate in a pine forest regeneration pulse in the southwestern United States
PM Brown, J Feddema
Ecoscience 3, 310-318, 1996
Multi‐scale controls of historical forest‐fire regimes: new insights from fire‐scar networks
DA Falk, EK Heyerdahl, PM Brown, C Farris, PZ Fulé, D McKenzie, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9 (8), 446-454, 2011
Tamm Review: Management of mixed-severity fire regime forests in Oregon, Washington, and Northern California
PF Hessburg, TA Spies, DA Perry, CN Skinner, AH Taylor, PM Brown, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 366, 221-250, 2016
Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests
Ecological Applications 31 (8), e02431, 2021
A cross-dated fire history from coast redwood near Redwood National Park, California
PM Brown, TW Swetnam
Can. J. For. Res 24 (1), 21-31, 1994
Drought frequency in central California since 101 BC recorded in giant sequoia tree rings
MK Hughes, PM Brown
Climate Dynamics 6 (3), 161-167, 1992
Climate change impacts on fire regimes and key ecosystem services in Rocky Mountain forests
ME Rocca, PM Brown, LH MacDonald, CM Carrico
Forest Ecology and Management 327, 290-305, 2014
Fire history in interior ponderosa pine communities of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
PM Brown, CH Sieg
International Journal of Wildland Fire 6 (3), 97-105, 1996
Heterogeneity in ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests: age and size structure in unlogged and logged landscapes of central Colorado
MR Kaufmann, CM Regan, PM Brown
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30 (5), 698-711, 2000
Historical variability in fire at the ponderosa pine-Northern Great Plains prairie ecotone, southeastern Black Hills, South Dakota
PM Brown, CH Sieg
Ecoscience 6 (4), 539-547, 1999
Climate effects on fire regimes and tree recruitment in Black Hills ponderosa pine forests
PM Brown
Ecology 87 (10), 2500-2510, 2006
Fire history along environmental gradients in the Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico: influences of local patterns and regional processes
PM Brown, MW Kaye, LS Huckaby, CH Baisan
Ecoscience 8 (1), 115-126, 2001
Was Aldo Leopold right about the Kaibab deer herd?
D Binkley, MM Moore, WH Romme, PM Brown
Ecosystems 9, 227-241, 2006
Fire and forest history at Mount Rushmore
PM Brown, CL Wienk, AJ Symstad
Ecological Applications 18 (8), 1984-1999, 2008
Unsupported inferences of high‐severity fire in historical dry forests of the western U nited S tates: response to W illiams and B aker
PZ Fulé, TW Swetnam, PM Brown, DA Falk, DL Peterson, CD Allen, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (7), 825-830, 2014
Oldest known conifers in the southwestern United States: temporal and spatial patterns of maximum age
TW Swetnam, PM Brown
Old Growth Forests in the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions. USDA Forest …, 1992
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