O. Begovich
O. Begovich
Investigadora en CIencias, CInvestav, U. Guadalajara
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Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy scheme for real-time trajectory tracking of an underactuated robot
O Begovich, EN Sanchez, M Maldonado
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 10 (1), 14-20, 2002
Multi-leak diagnosis in pipelines based on Extended Kalman Filter
JA Delgado-Aguiñaga, G Besancon, O Begovich, JE Carvajal
Control Engineering Practice 49, 139-148, 2016
Direct observer design for leak detection and estimation in pipelines
G Besançon, D Georges, O Begovich, C Verde, C Aldana
2007 European Control Conference (ECC), 5666-5670, 2007
Examples of pipeline monitoring with nonlinear observers and real-data validation
L Torres, G Besançon, D Georges, A Navarro, O Begovich
Online implementation of a leak isolation algorithm in a plastic pipeline prototype
O Begovich, A Pizano-Moreno, G Besançon
Latin American applied research 42 (2), 131-140, 2012
Design of multiple FACTS controllers for damping inter-area oscillations: a decentralised control approach
AR Messina, O Begovich, JH López, EN Reyes
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 26 (1), 19-29, 2004
Predictive control with constraints of a multi-pool irrigation canal prototype
O Begovich, VM Ruiz, G Besancon, CI Aldana, D Georges
Latin American applied research 37 (3), 177-185, 2007
Modeling of a greenhouse prototype using PSO and differential evolution algorithms based on a real-time LabView™ application
A Pérez-González, O Begovich-Mendoza, J Ruiz-León
Applied Soft Computing 62, 86-100, 2018
About friction modeling for observer-based leak estimation in pipelines
JF Dulhoste, G Besancon, L Torres, O Begovich, A Navarro
2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control …, 2011
Real-time leak isolation based on state estimation in a plastic pipeline
A Navarro, O Begovich, G Besancon, JF Dulhoste
2011 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 953-957, 2011
Comparison of two detection algorithms for pipeline leaks
O Begovich, A Navarro, EN Sanchez, G Besancon
2007 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 777-782, 2007
Leak detection and isolation using an observer based on robust sliding mode differentiators
A Navarro, O Begovich, JD Sanchez-Torres, G Besançon, JAP Murillo
World Automation Congress 2012, 1-6, 2012
Real‐Time Leak Isolation Based on State Estimation with Fitting Loss Coefficient Calibration in a Plastic Pipeline
A Navarro, O Begovich, J Sánchez, G Besancon
Asian Journal of Control 19 (1), 255-265, 2017
IoT architecture for urban agronomy and precision applications
A Ordoñez-García, M Siller, O Begovich
2017 IEEE International autumn meeting on power, electronics and computing …, 2017
Water leak diagnosis in pressurized pipelines: a real case study
JA Delgado-Aguiñaga, O Begovich
Modeling and Monitoring of Pipelines and Networks: Advanced Tools for …, 2017
Application of a leak detection algorithm in a water pipeline prototype: Difficulties and solutions
O Begovich, A Pizano-Moreno
2008 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing …, 2008
Observability in interpreted Petri nets using sequence invariants
L Aguirre-Salas, O Begovich, A Ramírez-Treviño
Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2002. 4 …, 2002
Exact-differentiation-based leak detection and isolation in a plastic pipeline under temperature variations
JA Delgado-Aguiñaga, O Begovich, G Besançon
Journal of Process Control 42, 114-124, 2016
Design of asymptotic observers for discrete event systems
L Aguirre, A Ramírez, O Begovich
Proceedings of the IASTED international conference on intelligent systems …, 1999
Greenhouse modeling using continuous timed Petri nets
JL Tovany, R Ross-León, J Ruiz-León, A Ramírez-Treviño, O Begovich
Mathematical problems in engineering 2013 (1), 639306, 2013
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