Bipasyana Dhungana
Bipasyana Dhungana
Graduate Research Assistant, Auburn University
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Small-scale biogas technology and clean cooking fuel: Assessing the potential and links with SDGs in low-income countries–A case study of Nepal
SP Lohani, B Dhungana, H Horn, D Khatiwada
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 46, 101301, 2021
Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste with livestock manure at ambient temperature: a biogas based circular economy and sustainable development goals
B Dhungana, SP Lohani, M Marsolek
Sustainability 14 (6), 3307, 2022
Anaerobic co-digestion of food waste, poultry litter and sewage sludge: Seasonal performance under ambient condition and model evaluation
SP Lohani, S Shakya, P Gurung, B Dhungana, D Paudel, B Mainali
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 1-16, 2021
Anaerobic Digestion of Food waste at varying operating conditions
B Dhungana, SP Lohani
Multidiscip. J. Waste Resour. Residue 13, 99-105, 2020
Design, fabrication and testing of proso millet de-husking machine
K Gyanwali, B Dhungana, D Shrestha, GK Das, M Dhungana
Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 123-131, 2016
Anaerobic Co-digestion of food waste with livestock manure: a biogas based circular economy and sustainable development goals
B Dhungana, SP Lohani, M Marsolek
SSRN Electron. J., 2021
Household biogas technology in cold climate of low-income countries: A review on sustainable technologies for accelerating biogas generation
SP Lohani, TK Shaw, S Shrestha, BP Dhungana, NK Jha, H Chen, ...
Progress in Energy, 2024
Biogas Production by Co-Digestion of Food Waste with Sewage Sludge and Poultry Litter: A Way Towards Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Conversion
U Bista, B Rayamajhi, B Dhungana, SP Lohani
Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment 10 (2), 39-44, 2023
Waste no waste: High time to embrace biogas
SP Lohani, B Dhungana, 2021
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