Jan Waller
Jan Waller
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Kiel, Germany
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Kieker: A framework for application performance monitoring and dynamic software analysis
A van Hoorn, J Waller, W Hasselbring
Third joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on Performance Engineering …, 2012
Continuous monitoring of software services: Design and application of the Kieker framework
A van Hoorn, M Rohr, W Hasselbring, J Waller, J Ehlers, S Frey, ...
Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, Tech. Rep. TR-0921, 2009
Live trace visualization for comprehending large software landscapes: The ExplorViz approach
F Fittkau, J Waller, C Wulf, W Hasselbring
2013 First IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 1-4, 2013
Including performance benchmarks into continuous integration to enable DevOps
J Waller, NC Ehmke, W Hasselbring
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 40 (2), 1-4, 2015
Self-adaptive software system monitoring for performance anomaly localization
J Ehlers, A van Hoorn, J Waller, W Hasselbring
8th ACM international conference on Autonomic computing, 197-200, 2011
Synchrovis: 3d visualization of monitoring traces in the city metaphor for analyzing concurrency
J Waller, C Wulf, F Fittkau, P Döhring, W Hasselbring
2013 First IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT), 1-4, 2013
Comparing trace visualizations for program comprehension through controlled experiments
F Fittkau, S Finke, W Hasselbring, J Waller
2015 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension, 266-276, 2015
Performance benchmarking of application monitoring frameworks
J Waller
BoD–Books on Demand, 2015
A comparison of the influence of different multi-core processors on the runtime overhead for application-level monitoring
J Waller, W Hasselbring
Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools: International …, 2012
A Benchmark Engineering Methodology to Measure the Overhead of Application-Level Monitoring
J Waller, W Hasselbring
Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS …, 2013
Application performance monitoring: Trade-off between overhead reduction and maintainability
J Waller, F Fittkau, W Hasselbring
University of Stuttgart, 2014
Scalable and Live Trace Processing with Kieker Utilizing Cloud Computing
F Fittkau, J Waller, PC Brauer, W Hasselbring
Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS …, 2013
Towards benchmarking beef loin steak colour acceptability using Minolta and Hunter colorimeters
MM Farouk, AED Bekhit, PM Dobbie, J Waller
53rd International Conference of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST …, 2007
Experimental data for: Comparing trace visualizations for program comprehension through controlled experiments
F Fittkau, S Finke, W Hasselbring, J Waller
ZENODO, 2015
Benchmarking the Performance of Application Monitoring Systems
J Waller
Department of Computer Science, Kiel University, Germany, Tech. Rep. TR-1312, 2013
A Concurrent and Distributed Analysis Framework for Kieker
NC Ehmke, J Waller, W Hasselbring
Symposium on Software Performance: Joint Kieker/Palladio Days 2013 (KPDAYS …, 2013
Data for: Scalable and Live Trace Processing with Kieker Utilizing Cloud Computing
F Fittkau, J Waller, PC Brauer, W Hasselbring
ZENODO, 2013
Most-Influential Paper of VISSOFT 2013: Live Trace Visualization for Comprehending Large Software Landscapes: The ExplorViz Approach
F Fittkau, J Waller, C Wulf, W Hasselbring, A Krause-Glau
Data for: Including Performance Benchmarks into Continuous Integration to Enable DevOps
J Waller, NC Ehmke, W Hasselbring
ZENODO, 2015
Kieker Poster
A van Hoorn, H Grow, J Waller, R Jung
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