Simon Pearson
Simon Pearson
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Machine learning in agriculture: A review
KG Liakos, P Busato, D Moshou, S Pearson, D Bochtis
Sensors 18 (8), 2674, 2018
Agricultural robotics: the future of robotic agriculture
T Duckett, S Pearson, S Blackmore, B Grieve, WH Chen, G Cielniak, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06762, 2018
Robotics and labour in agriculture. A context consideration
V Marinoudi, CG Sørensen, S Pearson, D Bochtis
Biosystems Engineering 184, 111-121, 2019
Are distributed ledger technologies the panacea for food traceability?
S Pearson, D May, G Leontidis, M Swainson, S Brewer, L Bidaut, JG Frey, ...
Global food security 20, 145-149, 2019
Substantial UV-B-mediated induction of essential oils in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
CB Johnson, J Kirby, G Naxakis, S Pearson
Phytochemistry 51 (4), 507-510, 1999
Development of real-time PCR (TaqMan®) assays for the detection and quantification of Botrytis cinerea in planta
MB Suarez, K Walsh, N Boonham, T O’Neill, S Pearson, I Barker
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43 (9), 890-899, 2005
Agricultural workforce crisis in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
D Bochtis, L Benos, M Lampridi, V Marinoudi, S Pearson, CG Sørensen
Sustainability 12 (19), 8212, 2020
Radiation transmission and fluorescence of nine greenhouse cladding materials
S Pearson, AE Wheldon, P Hadley
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 62 (1), 61-69, 1995
Mobile robotics in agricultural operations: A narrative review on planning aspects
V Moysiadis, N Tsolakis, D Katikaridis, CG Sørensen, S Pearson, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (10), 3453, 2020
Responsible development of autonomous robotics in agriculture
DC Rose, J Lyon, A de Boon, M Hanheide, S Pearson
Nature Food 2 (5), 306-309, 2021
The challenges posed by global broadacre crops in delivering smart agri-robotic solutions: A fundamental rethink is required
BD Grieve, T Duckett, M Collison, L Boyd, J West, H Yin, F Arvin, ...
Global Food Security 23, 116-124, 2019
Deep learning based prediction on greenhouse crop yield combined TCN and RNN
L Gong, M Yu, S Jiang, V Cutsuridis, S Pearson
Sensors 21 (13), 4537, 2021
3D‐vision based detection, localization, and sizing of broccoli heads in the field
K Kusumam, T Krajník, S Pearson, T Duckett, G Cielniak
Journal of Field Robotics 34 (8), 1505-1518, 2017
Using deep learning to predict plant growth and yield in greenhouse environments
B Alhnaity, S Pearson, G Leontidis, S Kollias
International Symposium on Advanced Technologies and Management for …, 2019
The Effects of Temperature and Light Integral on the Phases of Photoperiod Sensitivity inPetunia× hybrida
SR Adams, S Pearson, P Hadley, WM Patefield
Annals of Botany 83 (3), 263-269, 1999
A reanalysis of the effects of temperature and irradiance on time to flowering in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora)
S Pearson, P Hadley, AE Wheldon
Journal of horticultural science 68 (1), 89-97, 1993
Height control of poinsettia using photoselective filters
SC Clifford, ES Runkle, FA Langton, A Mead, SA Foster, S Pearson, ...
HortScience 39 (2), 383-387, 2004
The development of solid spectral filters for the regulation of plant growth
CJ Van Haeringen, JS West, FJ Davis, A Gilbert, P Hadley, S Pearson, ...
Photochemistry and photobiology 67 (4), 407-413, 1998
Photovoltaic agricultural internet of things towards realizing the next generation of smart farming
K Huang, L Shu, K Li, F Yang, G Han, X Wang, S Pearson
IEEE Access 8, 76300-76312, 2020
The Effects of Temperature, Photoperiod and Light Integral on the Time to Flowering of Pansy cv. Universal Violet (Viola× wittrockianaGams.)
SR Adams, S Pearson, P Hadley
Annals of Botany 80 (1), 107-112, 1997
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