Florian Mansmann
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Challenges in visual data analysis
DA Keim, F Mansmann, J Schneidewind, H Ziegler
Information Visualization, 2006. IV 2006. Tenth International Conference on …, 2006
Mastering The Information Age-Solving Problems with Visual Analytics
DA Keim, J Kohlhammer, G Ellis, F Mansmann
Eurographics, 2010
Visual analytics: Scope and challenges
DA Keim, F Mansmann, J Schneidewind, J Thomas, H Ziegler
Visual data mining: Theory, techniques and tools for visual analytics, 76-90, 2008
Spatio-temporal clustering
S Kisilevich, F Mansmann, M Nanni, S Rinzivillo
Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook, 855-874, 2010
P-DBSCAN: A density based clustering algorithm for exploration and analysis of attractive areas using collections of geo-tagged photos
S Kisilevich, F Mansmann, D Keim
Proceedings of the 1st international conference and exhibition on computing …, 2010
Visual analytics: how much visualization and how much analytics?
DA Keim, F Mansmann, J Thomas
Acm Sigkdd Explorations Newsletter 11 (2), 5-8, 2010
Evaluation of alternative glyph designs for time series data in a small multiple setting
J Fuchs, F Fischer, F Mansmann, E Bertini, P Isenberg
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2013
Large-scale network monitoring for visual analysis of attacks
F Fischer, F Mansmann, DA Keim, S Pietzko, M Waldvogel
Visualization for Computer Security: 5th International Workshop, VizSec 2008 …, 2008
Visual analytics
DA Keim, F Mansmann, A Stoffel, H Ziegler
Monitoring network traffic with radial traffic analyzer
DA Keim, F Mansmann, J Schneidewind, T Schreck
2006 IEEE symposium on visual analytics science and technology, 123-128, 2006
Visual analysis of network traffic for resource planning, interactive monitoring, and interpretation of security threats
F Mansmann, DA Keim, SC North, B Rexroad, D Sheleheda
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (6), 1105-1112, 2007
Spatiotemporal analysis of sensor logs using growth ring maps
P Bak, F Mansmann, H Janetzko, D Keim
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 15 (6), 913-920, 2009
Visual analytics: Combining automated discovery with interactive visualizations
DA Keim, F Mansmann, D Oelke, H Ziegler
Discovery Science: 11th International Conference, DS 2008, Budapest, Hungary …, 2008
ClockMap: Enhancing Circular Treemaps with Temporal Glyphs for Time-Series Data.
F Fischer, J Fuchs, F Mansmann
EuroVis (Short Papers), 2012
Visual sentiment analysis of rss news feeds featuring the us presidential election in 2008
F Wanner, C Rohrdantz, F Mansmann, D Oelke, DA Keim
Visual support for analyzing network traffic and intrusion detection events using TreeMap and graph representations
F Mansmann, F Fischer, DA Keim, SC North
Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Human Interaction for the …, 2009
Visual analysis of complex firewall configurations
F Mansmann, T Göbel, W Cheswick
Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on visualization for cyber …, 2012
Monitoring large ip spaces with clockview
C Kintzel, J Fuchs, F Mansmann
Proceedings of the 8th international symposium on visualization for cyber …, 2011
Real-time visual analytics for event data streams
F Fischer, F Mansmann, DA Keim
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 801-806, 2012
Visualization of host behavior for network security
F Mansman, L Meier, DA Keim
VizSEC 2007: Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for Computer …, 2008
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